IndyBar: President’s Message: My Vow to You in 2022
I am proud to serve as president of the Indianapolis Bar Foundation, and I cannot wait to share what we have in store in 2022.
I am proud to serve as president of the Indianapolis Bar Foundation, and I cannot wait to share what we have in store in 2022.
We’re introducing you to some of the IndyBar Foundation’s 2022 leaders.
For more than 50 years, the Indianapolis Bar Foundation has worked to ensure equal access to justice for all Indianapolis-area residents. In an effort to expand this impact on the greater Indianapolis community, applications from local organizations are now being accepted through Feb. 15, 2022 for the foundation’s annual Community Empowerment Grant. The grant will be awarded in April 2022.
The Internal Revenue Service is highlighting a special tax provision that allows more people to deduct donations to qualifying charities on their 2021 federal income tax return. Make an impact on our community and profession now with your donation to the Indianapolis Bar Foundation.
The Indianapolis legal community thrives because of the dedication of many esteemed individuals who, using their unique talents, work together to advance justice and lead positive change. Each year the Indianapolis Bar Foundation honors such lawyers for their dedication to the law by bestowing on them the designation of Distinguished Fellow and Distinguished Life Fellow.
Not that I’ve had much time for tooling around these days, but I have managed to watch a bit of the Peter Jackson cut of “The Beatles: Get Back” sessions. As you know, dear IndyBar Foundation, The Beatles are without equal for me. I’ve tried to explain the nearly impossible “amaze-balls-ness” of The Beatles to the skeptics/haters/uninitiated (or as much as a Midwestern kid born in 1981 can divine about the real Beatles experience), and this is the best I’ve come up with.
It’s the season of giving and even during the hardships of 2021, generous bidders and donors helped the Indianapolis Bar Foundation raise more than $15,000 during IndyBar’s Giving, this year’s online silent auction to benefit the programs and initiatives of the IndyBar Foundation.
Service with the IndyBar Foundation is a fun, meaningful experience that connects you to your colleagues and your community. Applications are now being accepted for positions on the board of directors.
This week’s column is dedicated to the two paralegals who have forever shaped IndyBar Foundation President Adam Christensen’s personal life and his professional abilities: Elisa F. and Holley S.
The Indianapolis Bar Foundation is hosting its annual Day of Giving on Oct. 27. Through this online fundraiser, with one donation big or small, you have the opportunity to touch thousands of people — your fellow lawyers, law students, and people in need in and around Indianapolis.
As we approach the Indianapolis Bar Foundation Day of Giving this year, we can draw inspiration from Nelson Mandela and have absolute certainty that our gifts, entrusted to the IndyBar Foundation, will continue to hit the mark during these particularly volatile times.
Reach for Youth Inc. has been named the 2021 recipient of the Indianapolis Bar Foundation’s Community Empowerment Fund grant of $35,000. Reach for Youth will use the funds to pilot a Restorative Justice Circles model, which diverts young people from suspension, expulsion and the justice system by helping them understand the negative consequences of their actions, how they impact others and how to restore and repair relationships.
Could I reflect on the intersection between the lyrics of “Jagged Little Pill,” a two-plus-decade-old feminist empowerment anthem, and the practice of law and do any justice to either? Let’s find out.
The Indianapolis legal community is fortunate to be home to many talented, dedicated professionals, and we need your help in identifying our colleagues who went above and beyond this past year! Honorees will be recognized at the 2021 IBF and IndyBar Recognition Breakfast on November 3.
We had a blast at the Tibbs Drive-In watching “Black Widow” to support the Indianapolis Bar Foundation! All ticket sales and proceeds support the public initiatives of the IndyBar Foundation.
By including a bequest to the Indianapolis Bar Foundation and joining the IBF’s Legacy Society, you can help the IBF serve future generations and build your own legacy.
An IndyBarHQ utilization task force has been organized, featuring a diverse group of members, to direct our new HQ’s evolution with intention and creativity. The ideas already are simmering vigorously, but we need your help to bring them to a full boil.
In June 1997, Mary Schmich wrote an essay for the Chicago Tribune that became known as “Wear Sunscreen.” Twenty-four years and two weeks later, IndyBar Foundation President Adam Christensen presents his attempt at the same, a hat tip to “Wear Sunscreen,” tailored for our profession and our times.
Each year, the IndyBar publishes “Commonly Asked Questions about Indiana Law,” a reference guide used by members when volunteering with association legal advice and pro bono programs. Thank you to our 2021 volunteer authors and editor.
A selection committee acting on behalf of the Indianapolis Bar Association and the Foundation has announced the selection of Chief Judge Tanya Walton Pratt of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana as a recipient of the IndyBar’s prestigious Luminary Award of Excellence. Chief Judge Pratt will be honored at the 2021 IndyBar Bench Bar Conference in Louisville, Kentucky on June 19.