Harrell: Why JLAP cares about the attorney surrogate rule
The attorney surrogate rule provides a process for protecting an attorney’s clients in the event that attorney is no longer able to serve them.
The attorney surrogate rule provides a process for protecting an attorney’s clients in the event that attorney is no longer able to serve them.
Consider the benefits of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, or ACT.
Perfectionism may cause feelings that our accomplishments are never good enough. The belief that we must give more than 100% on everything we do, or we will be a failure, can become an unhealthy driving force in our daily activities.
The JLAP Treatment Fund is administered by the Indiana Bar Foundation and has been in place for about 20 years. It has been funded by donations from attorneys and judges.
A 2016 landmark study conducted by the Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs and the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation highlighted the prevalence of mental health concerns within the legal profession.
The most important superpower is grace. Giving myself grace over the things I did not do by remembering all that I did do.
If we are lucky to live long enough, we all struggle with the concept of aging.
It’s impossible for me to forget June 26, 2003, a day that marks more than a cruel summer.
A few months ago, I left a friendly, value-driven, modern work environment with exciting cases and great people. Making the decision to switch jobs is not easy, and the experience has inspired me to share a few insights I gathered along the way.
Many employers have had success with retaining employees by focusing on supporting employee well-being.
Surprisingly to many of us who pride ourselves on being independent and having an intellect above the average bear, most of us are not good at everything we attempt.
Research by Lawrence Krieger tells us that law students start law school with high life satisfaction and strong mental health measures, but within the first year of law school, they experience a significant increase in anxiety and depression.
Words and language are the tools of the lawyer’s trade. What if we notice we become more forgetful and search longer for the right word or case name than in the past?
Life isn’t always a sunny day at the ballpark with a cool breeze, a hot dog and tickets to the show in home run territory.
The path to recovery from substance addiction and other mental health conditions requires overcoming many obstacles. One challenge is paying for assessments, diagnosis, testing and recovery. But JLAP may be able to help through its Treatment Fund.
Mental health issues are important for lawyers to understand, because as mental health increasingly takes center stage in attorney offices and the courtroom, we must see ourselves in our clients’ struggles.
An Indianapolis attorney who failed to provide competent representation and communication to one of his clients has been suspended from practicing law in Indiana for 60 days, all stayed subject to his completion of at least one year of probation with JLAP monitoring.
I urge you to consider making 2023 the year to focus on your well-being and to remember that you are not alone.
After the passing of Senior Judge Marc Kellams, the Indiana Supreme Court has appointed former Indiana Justice Steven David to the Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program Committee.
There is nothing more sobering than Christmas in a federal prison. Glimmers of hope can be hard to come by. I first contacted the Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program from a federal prison camp in Florida.