Kolar confirmed to 7th Circuit
Joshua P. Kolar, formerly a magistrate judge on the Indiana Northern District Court, has been confirmed to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Joshua P. Kolar, formerly a magistrate judge on the Indiana Northern District Court, has been confirmed to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.
A district court properly imposed an enhanced sentence on a man convicted of being a felon in possession of a firearm because his three prior burglary convictions in Indiana qualified him for the enhancement, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Thursday.
A split 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed a district court’s denial of The Bail Project’s motion for a preliminary injunction against a law that puts limits on whom charitable bail organizations can bail out of jail.
A split 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has vacated a 10-year prison sentence for a drug dealer after finding a district court failed to address “some evidence” suggesting inaccurate drug testing.
The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed a reduction in attorney fees of more than 50% for an Indiana attorney who had been previously admonished by the appellate court for trying to up his compensation.
Three Gary men intertwined in a major drug ring did not sway the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals from affirming their convictions and decadeslong sentences on Friday.
A northern Indiana man convicted of molesting his teenage nephew has lost his appeal of the denial of habeas relief based on the argument that he should have been allowed to present evidence of his nephew’s drug use.
A Black couple subjected to racist harassment from their neighbors may proceed to jury with their racial housing discrimination claims, a split 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled. A dissenting judge, however, argued that a nexus between discriminatory treatment and an adverse housing action was lacking in their claims.
Repeating a point that has been made “many times,”’ the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday dismissed an officer’s interlocutory appeal challenging the denial of qualified immunity, with the court reiterating that it does not have jurisdiction over such appeals if there is a factual dispute.
Finding Indiana’s 2006 statute regarding methamphetamine criminalized more conduct than the corresponding federal law, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals found an Indiana man’s conviction after pleading guilty to a drug charge was not an aggravated felony for purposes of deportation.
President Joe Biden is eyeing at least three judges for an expected vacancy on the Supreme Court as he prepares to quickly deliver on his campaign pledge to nominate the first Black woman to the nation’s highest court, according to aides and allies.