Indiana Court of Appeals to hold court in Fever practice gym
The Indiana Court Appeals will be on the road for the three traveling oral arguments this month with one stop being the Indiana Fever Practice Court.
The Indiana Court Appeals will be on the road for the three traveling oral arguments this month with one stop being the Indiana Fever Practice Court.
The Indiana Court of Appeals will be hearing oral arguments for three cases next week, with two hearings on the road and one at the Indiana Statehouse.
The Court of Appeals of Indiana has reversed declaratory judgment entered in favor of a law enforcement officer facing discipline following his arrest, even though that arrest was expunged.
Construction of a proposed senior group home in Carmel cannot move forward after a split panel of the Court of Appeals of Indiana affirmed a preliminary injunction challenging the underlying building permit.
The Indiana Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case in which a defendant is challenging the admission of drug-related evidence that he says was illegally obtained.
The Court of Appeals of Indiana will be traveling west this week to hear oral arguments in case in which a man falsely impersonated a detective.
There was no evidence that a man intended to sell the methamphetamine found in his possession during a traffic stop, a split Court of Appeals of Indiana ruled Wednesday in reversing a dealing conviction.
Allegations that a man viewed a protected person’s Instagram posts are sufficient to charge him with invasion of privacy, the Court of Appeals of Indiana affirmed Friday.
A dozen social studies teachers from across the state traveled to the Indiana Statehouse on Wednesday to get a behind-the-scenes look at the judiciary and fresh ideas on civics education.
The 2023 Summit for Rural Justice and Public Health Professionals will feature 26 speakers, including Indiana Supreme Court Justice Christopher Goff, who serves as the chair of Indiana’s Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council.
A trial court committed reversible error when it proceeded to a bench trial rather than setting the case for a jury trial after the defendant was discharged from a pretrial agreement, the Court of Appeals of Indiana has ruled.
I have no doubt that this year’s Appellate Roundtable, which will take place on at 4 p.m. Oct. 5 at IndyBarHQ, will be enlightening.
A man who claims a dealership told him the engine in his truck was under warranty when it really wasn’t should be able to take his case before a jury, the Court of Appeals of Indiana ruled in reversing a trial court’s grant of summary judgment.
The Worker’s Compensation Board of Indiana erred when it dismissed a Franciscan Health employee’s claim as untimely, the Court of Appeals of Indiana ruled Monday in reversing and remanding the board’s order.
A bank’s motion for summary judgment in a foreclosure action involving a Martin County property was erroneously denied, the Court of Appeals of Indiana ruled in a Tuesday reversal.
A trial court didn’t err or violate a defendant’s Sixth Amendment rights in an attempted murder case when it denied his objection to a jury instruction and his request to cross-examine two people that allegedly used a racial slur in reference to him.
The rape-related convictions that led to a man’s 650-year aggregate sentence will stand, as will the sentence itself, a split Court of Appeals of Indiana affirmed Monday in a ruling that included a dissent from one judge on the issue of double jeopardy.
A landlord-tenant dispute between college friends was resolved in favor of the landlord at the Court of Appeals of Indiana, though a dissenting judge would hold that it was the landlord, not the tenant, who breached the lease.
An incarcerated father seeking to modify the placement of his child failed to properly file his appeal and left the Court of Appeals of Indiana without appellate jurisdiction, the court ruled Thursday in dismissing the appeal.
A split Court of Appeals of Indiana ruled the Patient’s Compensation Fund is entitled to summary judgment in a medical malpractice case.