
Rush plans to further initiatives in second term

Ask the justices how they would describe the last five years at the Indiana Supreme Court, and they’ll tell you they’ve seen some changes. There’s been an internal reorganization, a major technology initiative and a national drug crisis to contend with, but they think their institution has successfully charted its path.

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15 apply for Lake County judicial vacancy

More than a dozen applicants are seeking to fill a Lake County judicial vacancy created by a judge’s retirement earlier this month. The vacancy in Lake Superior Court, Civil Division 6 was opened up when Judge John Pera retired July 1.

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Veteran Marion Superior Judge Dreyer to step down after 2020

Longtime Marion Superior Judge David Dreyer will step down after 23 years on the bench when his term expires at the end of 2020, he announced Tuesday. Dreyer, 63, a 23-year judge who has presided in civil and criminal cases on the state trial court bench in Indianapolis, said in a news release that he intends to seek senior judge status and continue hearing cases.

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