IN justices: Civil forfeiture defendants have constitutional right to jury trial
Defendants to civil forfeiture actions have a constitutional right to trial by jury in Indiana, the state Supreme Court has ruled.
Defendants to civil forfeiture actions have a constitutional right to trial by jury in Indiana, the state Supreme Court has ruled.
A woman who filed a class-action complaint against a credit union didn’t accept an addendum to an agreement that would have forced arbitration, a split Indiana Supreme Court has ruled in reversing a trial court’s decision.
Indiana’s newest lawyers took their oaths of admission Wednesday as the state’s jurists showered them with praise for their accomplishments and offered advice about moving forward into the legal community.
A man convicted on several theft-related charges can’t directly appeal his sentence after he and his attorney signed a plea agreement waiving his right to appeal, a split Indiana Supreme Court again ruled Tuesday in a modified opinion on rehearing.
More than 500 college and high school students gathered at Trine University on Wednesday to listen to oral arguments in front of the Indiana Supreme Court and ask questions of the state’s five justices.
Indiana Supreme Court justices heard arguments Wednesday at Trine University about whether a state law that allows people who have been injured by an intoxicated person to sue the establishment that served them alcohol excludes a common law cause of action.
A Noblesville ordinance’s language for sign relocation was ambiguous with its usage of “relocate” and “move,” the Indiana Supreme Court affirmed Monday in upholding a trial court’s judgment in favor of an outdoor signage company.
Indiana election law’s silence on corporate contributions to independent-expenditure political action committees means such contributions are prohibited or otherwise limited, a split Indiana Supreme Court has ruled.
The Indiana Supreme Court granted transfer to two cases last week, one involving a divorce dispute and another involving a juvenile’s commitment to the Department of Correction.
I have no doubt that this year’s Appellate Roundtable, which will take place on at 4 p.m. Oct. 5 at IndyBarHQ, will be enlightening.
A split Indiana Supreme Court has denied the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana’s motion for rehearing on the state’s near-total abortion ban.
The Indiana Supreme Court has ordered a trial court to dismiss a consumer’s counterclaim to a breach-of-contract suit brought by a contractor, finding the consumer did not prove he was actually injured by the contractor’s allegedly deceptive acts.
The Indiana Supreme Court waited until the last day of June to deliver one of its most highly anticipated opinions in recent years, vacating a preliminary injunction against the state’s near-total abortion ban and reinstating the law.
A defendant’s testimony about a prior unrelated felony was irrelevant to his habitual offender trial, a sharply divided Indiana Supreme Court has ruled, upholding the exclusion of that testimony.
An Indiana woman who won a multimillion-dollar verdict against a trucking company for a 2018 accident that left her quadriplegic cannot sue additional defendants for their alleged roles in the same accident, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled Wednesday.
Signed into law earlier this month, HEA 1006 is designed to allow Hoosiers experiencing a mental health crisis to get treatment in a local hospital, rather than in prison or jail.
A man convicted of the brutal murder of his ex-girlfriend, which included cannibalism, failed to convince the Indiana Supreme Court to overturn his sentence of life without parole.
Indiana Supreme Court justices talked about advice they would give to aspiring lawyers, their favorite constitutional amendments and what it was like to transition to the bench during a Q&A on Tuesday with students at the University of Indianapolis.
The Indiana Supreme Court has vacated a trial court’s order finding that improvements to a drain caused repeated flooding to a Montgomery County couple’s farmland, ruling the trial court left one question unresolved.
The Indiana Supreme Court has reversed a trial court decision denying U.S. Automatic Sprinkler Corporation’s summary judgment motions in a property damage dispute. The court remanded the case for the entry of summary judgment in favor of the company.