Lake County leadership makes strides
Michael Jasaitis gives his family effusive praise for instilling the values that propelled him to the presidency of the Lake County Bar Association. But competitive collegiate Nintendo also might have helped.
Michael Jasaitis gives his family effusive praise for instilling the values that propelled him to the presidency of the Lake County Bar Association. But competitive collegiate Nintendo also might have helped.
Respondents to a recent survey conducted by the Lake County Bar Association on two judges up for retention this year have recommended the judges be retained.
Eighteen Marion County judges will be on the ballot in the May 2012 primary. The Indianapolis Bar Association is asking attorneys to voice their opinions about those jurists.
Lake County Bar hosts Law Day; Indy Bar annual appellate meeting; ISBA offers solo conference.
Lawmakers consider election vs. selection of Superior county judges in Lake County.
Minority bar associations continue to benefit the Indiana legal community by offering diverse perspectives. Members benefit from networking opportunities, and the bars help to maintain a positive professional presence in the communities they serve.
The Lake County Bar Association recognized and remembered 19 attorneys who died in 2010 at its annual memorial service Jan. 4 at the Lake Circuit Court in Crown Point.
The annual Talk to a Lawyer Today event will take place on Jan. 17 at locations around the state. While the free CLE opportunities took place in late 2010, volunteers who want to participate may do so if they didn’t attend the CLE.
The Talk to a Lawyer even on Jan. 17 still needs volunteers; the Evansville Bar Association recently moved and is promoting a tribute for an attorney who died in November 2010.
In April and early May, bar associations around the state and the Indiana Supreme Court celebrated Law Day, which is officially
May 1, according to the American Bar Association.
The House Judiciary Committee met this morning to consider five bills that included assessing a $10 fee for Lake County court filings, which would be used to fund a consolidated judicial center.
The Lake County Bar Association will send a delegation to Friday's Commission on Courts meeting to endorse the adoption of legislation that would support merit-based selection of judges to the County Courts Division.