
Evansville, Kentucky police face trial over arrests in man’s death

Evansville family members who were interrogated, arrested and charged in a foster relative’s death may proceed with a federal civil-rights suit that alleges authorities on both sides of the Ohio River where the man’s body was found wrongly arrested them and falsified reports to build a case that unraveled.

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Police chasing thousands of tips in killing of 2 girls

A month after two teenage girls were found slain after vanishing during a northern Indiana hiking trip, investigators said Tuesday they continue following up on thousands of tips that have led officers to interview more 300 people for possible involvement in the case.

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Western Indiana police get training on handling mentally ill

Police officers in Terre Haute are among those taking a weeklong Crisis Intervention Training Program organized by local and state organizations to build stronger relationships between law enforcement, mental health agencies and the local chapter of National Association of Mental Illness.

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