Sommers and Willard: Pointers from the ’prentice and the practiced
Congratulations! You’ve graduated from law school, passed the bar exam, and are sworn into the Indiana Bar. So … now what? What does it take to be a successful practicing attorney?
Congratulations! You’ve graduated from law school, passed the bar exam, and are sworn into the Indiana Bar. So … now what? What does it take to be a successful practicing attorney?
Here is the list of lawyers who passed the Indiana Bar Exam in July, many of whom took their oaths as lawyers at the Admission Ceremony Oct. 16.
In expanding its real estate law and IP and technology law programs, Notre Dame Law School benefits from the wider university’s academic resources.
A cultural shift is happening in the practice of law. As more millennials join law firms, their way of thinking, working and learning is slowly becoming the norm as older attorneys and their customs retire from the profession.
Roughly four months after Indiana Tech closed its law school, the American Bar Association is poised to withdraw provisional accreditation of the legal education program.
With the start of the spring 2018 semester, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law will be launching a series of classes especially targeting undergraduate students who typically do not enroll in law school.
Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law has been tapped by the American Bar Association to test a one-of-a-kind online program designed to get underrepresented students interested in pursuing a career in the legal profession.
Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez will present “The Lawyer’s Duty: Social Justice, Racial Justice, Economic Justice,” in the sixth annual Birch Bayh Lecture at Indiana Robert H. McKinney School of Law. The speech will be Tuesday, October 24 in the Wynne Courtroom at Inlow Hall.
Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law and Purdue University on Monday announced a new cooperative program in agriculture law. Amy Cornell, a 2006 graduate of IU McKinney and a graduate of Purdue University, has been retained as a consultant and will assemble a steering committee to build the program.
Chief Justice Loretta Rush said she was worried and concerned about slumping bar exam scores. She echoed the apprehension of many about the quality of students being admitted to law schools and she noted the format of the test itself may be impacting the results.
A lawsuit is accusing the Charlotte School of Law of defrauding taxpayers out of $285 million by admitting unqualified students, then manipulating records to keep them enrolled so the school could collect their government-supported tuition.
It was initially supposed to just be a stress-relieving exercise. Justin Vining, a 2010 graduate of Valparaiso University Law School, was feeling the pressure of being a full-time law student, so he picked up a brush and some paint and poured his anxieties out onto a blank canvas. But then something happened — Vining’s paintings began to sell.
As the Class of 2020 begins its legal studies and the Class of 2018 prepares for the bar exam and life as a lawyer, many will probably thinking about their financial security, debt and loan obligations. More than 85 percent of law students borrow, running up a tab that can flow to astronomical amounts.
Indiana University Maurer School of Law and the IU Wells Scholars Program announced a program Friday enabling IU students who are Wells Scholars to earn a bachelor’s degree and a Juris Doctor degree in six years instead of seven. The program includes full scholarship and living stipends of more than $175,000 for Indiana residents and $300,000 for nonresidents.
As classes begin again, Valparaiso University Law School is standing apart from other Indiana law schools as it welcomes an incoming 1L class of just 28 students, 73 percent smaller than the class that entered last year.
The new president of the American Bar Association is taking steps to begin her work toward legal education reform by appointing members to a new commission designed to help the profession navigate future changes in legal education.
The Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law will begin offering free estate planning document preparation services this year to IU employees, students and parents who meet certain economic requirements.
In an effort to reverse a trend toward increasing mental health and addiction issues among legal professionals, several national lawyer well-being groups have partnered together to release a new report, which offers recommendations for both preventing and treating lapses in attorneys’ mental health.
Despite some narratives to the contrary, a law degree does not limit one’s professional trajectory. To the contrary, it opens doors.
His students, unaware that his home had burned down, presented him with the Leon H. Wallace Teaching Award in April, the highest teaching honor given at the law school.