
Dean’s Desk: Anatomy of a decision to start a tax clinic

Notre Dame Law students will soon have the opportunity to learn tax law by practicing it under the close supervision of full-time expert faculty. It is an exciting development for all of us at the law school. Moreover, at a time of straitened budgets, we have secured financing from the IRS for the clinic, a Low Income Taxpayer Clinic.

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ABA releases employment data for 2015 grads

The American Bar Association has released its annual employment reports for law schools for 2015 graduates. Of the four Indiana law schools included, Notre Dame Law School had the highest percentage of graduates working in full-time long-term positions where bar passage was required, while Valparaiso University Law School had the highest unemployment rate.

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Bluebook: Here to stay, but lawyers don’t have to like it

A valuable way to standardize citations and make court cases and sources easier to find, or “560 pages of rubbish” as 7th Circuit Judge Richard Posner said in a recent article for the Green Bag? That’s been the debate over The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation for several years.

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IU McKinney honors public interest alumni

A judge and two attorneys working in the public sector were honored at the 8th annual Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law Public Interest Recognition Dinner April 16.

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