

Students committed to Indiana Tech

As Indiana Tech Law School begins its third year, it is welcoming a very small class of first-year students and, anticipating its second attempt at gaining ABA approval will be successful, positioning its third-year students to take the state bar exam.

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Patent hub playing matchmaker for inventors, pro bono attorneys

Under a mandate from Congress to help independent inventors, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office started opening patent hubs around the country. The Center for Intellectual Property Research at Indiana University Maurer School of Law will be the hub serving Indiana.

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Law school deans excited about Class of 2018

Law schools in Indiana are conducting orientations and starting classes for the 2015-2016 academic year. The class sizes are approximate and deans anticipate the numbers will change slightly, but overall they are excited about the new crop of students.

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ABA report reflects current law school innovations

Weeks after the American Bar Association approved a set of recommendations to address law student debt and educational experience, legal educators in Indiana described the recommendations as thoughtful but not necessarily different from what they are doing.

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Job market somewhat improved for law school grads

The National Association for Law Placement’s new analysis of the job market heralded the first rise in the employment rate in eight years for new law school graduates. However, the uptick comes with two caveats.

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ABA task force calls for more debt counseling, innovation

The report released Friday by the American Bar Association Task Force on the Financing of Legal Education calls for enhanced law student debt counseling, wider collection and publication of law school financial data, and innovation at law schools to lower costs for students while maintaining sound educational programs.

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Indiana Tech Law School

Indiana Tech to reapply for accreditation

Just four days after meeting with law school officials and hearing their presentation about their approach to legal education, the ABA Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar denied granting provisional accreditation to the Fort Wayne law school.

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IU Maurer to hold Baier naming ceremony Friday

Indiana University Maurer School of Law will hold a dedication ceremony for the law school building Friday, which is being renamed Baier Hall in recognition of alum Lowell E. Baier. Baier recently made a $20 million estate gift to the Bloomington law school.

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Veering from the plan

Nearly 25 years since graduating, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law alums reflect on their careers and the value of their law degrees.

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