Law School Briefs 3/13/13
Read news from the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law.
Read news from the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law.
Chicago is the No. 1 destination for Notre Dame Law School graduates, followed closely by Washington, D.C., New York City and Los Angeles, with Indianapolis rounding out the top five. But while many NDLS students plan to practice law in a major metropolitan area, until recently there were limited opportunities for them to explore and experience what it is actually like to practice law in a big city.
Jay Conison had been planning to step down as dean of the Valparaiso University Law School, but his decision to lead another law school was an unexpected opportunity and one that will keep him focused on changing legal education.
This year’s Indiana Health Law Review Symposium at Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law will explore patient responsibility as a key to improving the health care system.
U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas is at Notre Dame Law School Tuesday and Wednesday as the Judge James J. Clynes Visiting Chair. He will visit several law classes and speak with students and faculty.
A panel of distinguished judges, including one from the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, will be on hand Friday evening to hear final arguments in a case involving judicial recusal and eminent domain as part of the Indiana University Maurer School of Law Sherman Minton Moot Court Competition.
Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law’s sixth annual spring environmental symposium on March 1 includes keynote speaker Cameron Davis, a longtime advocate for Great Lakes conservation.
Jay Conison, dean of Valparaiso University Law School since 1998, has been named as the new dean of Charlotte School of Law, effective April 15.
In his “Blueprint for Change” research paper, Indiana University Maurer School of Law Professor William Henderson says the legal education system needs to change. He also offers a plan to transform legal education to better fit the changing legal marketplace.
Indiana Tech Law School is recruiting students with a one-on-one approach.
Like many of their educational colleagues across the country, Indiana law schools have been reviewing and rethinking the way they prepare their students for the legal profession.
Law schools have two natures. On the one hand, they are graduate academic programs, generally in universities. On the other hand, a law school is a path to a career. Through the educational program and other services, it develops professional skills in students and supports their entry into law or other professional practice.
Leonard Dennis Fromm, associate dean for students and alumni affairs at Indiana University Maurer School of Law, died Feb. 2 at the I.U. Health Bone Marrow Transplant Unit in Indianapolis. A celebration of his life will be held later this week.
Indiana University Bloomington Mock Trial organization is seeking practicing attorneys as volunteers for its first tournament, the Hoosier Hoedown, in Indianapolis. The tournament is Jan. 26 and 27 in the Indianapolis City-County Building.
Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law professor Joel Schumm never forgets his mother telling him that life is not fair. Still he wants to make it a little fairer.
2012 was another busy year for the legal community. We welcomed new justices and a new chief justice, witnessed the beginnings of the state’s fifth law school, and saw local stories garner national and international attention. Here’s a look back at the top news stories from last year.
Golden Dome alumnus awarded a fellowship with solicitor general; I.U. Maurer to collaborate with 2 Brazilian schools of law.