Seegers Lecture to look at ‘legal realisms’
University of Chicago Law School professor Brian Leiter will deliver this year’s Seegers Lecture on Jurisprudence Thursday at Valparaiso University Law School. His topic is “Legal Realisms, Old and New.”
University of Chicago Law School professor Brian Leiter will deliver this year’s Seegers Lecture on Jurisprudence Thursday at Valparaiso University Law School. His topic is “Legal Realisms, Old and New.”
Valparaiso University Law School examined the issue of long-term prison sentences for low-level drug offenders during a one-day conference Nov. 9.
Valparaiso University Law School student follows a Hoosier tradition of involvement with the bar association.
A third-year evening student, Russell Hollis did not return home empty handed from “Wheel of Fortune.”
Read news from Indiana’s law schools, including the recent naming ceremony at Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law
Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law has created a graduate certificate which will allow students the chance to specialize in health law.
The Tabor Institute on Legal Ethics topic this year at Valparaiso University Law School is United States Supreme Court ethics in the wake of NFIB v. Seblius.
This Thursday marks the inaugural Birch Bayh Lecture at Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law. The annual event, named after former U.S. Senator Birch Bayh, will focus on issues of importance to Bayh regarding the government.
The attorney leaders of the Legal Aid Centre of Eldoret in Kenya will visit the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law Oct. 17 to discuss the successes of the human rights law clinic.
Preparing students for the rigors and complexity of today’s legal profession requires schools to focus not only on doctrinal analysis, but also on the complete set of professional competencies that successful lawyers require. Toward that end, the faculty at the I.U. Maurer School of Law has adopted a series of initiatives aimed at expanding the range of experiential learning opportunities available to our students.
A nationally known leader in clinical education will deliver the Ralph F. Fuchs Lecture at Indiana University Maurer School of Law Oct. 8 on the impact of in-house clinics on law students.
Indiana University Maurer School of Law is seeking judges for its Sherman Minton Moot Court Competition Oct. 5 – Nov. 3.
One of the benefits of writing this column is that it gives me time to reflect on aspects of Notre Dame Law School that are known and appreciated in South Bend and among our graduates, but are perhaps not as well known to the Indiana bench and bar.
Attorney and victim compensation expert Kenneth Feinberg will speak Tuesday at the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law in Indianapolis about efforts to compensate victims of the Indiana State Fair stage collapse that included an unsuccessful settlement offer.
The three finalists to be the next justice on the Indiana Supreme Court offered advice to aspiring attorneys Thursday that included a caution about what they post on their Facebook pages and social networks.
They arrived on yellow school buses as visitors Wednesday afternoon but someday the high school students may come as law students. The Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law and Shortridge Magnet High School for Law and Public Policy inked a partnership that will put McKinney faculty and students in Shortridge classrooms and bring Shortridge students to McKinney.
This fall, Valparaiso Law is launching a new program that will help students organize their three years of career-related activities and complete the steps essential to fulfilling career goals. The program is provided through a mobile website named VOLT, which the school believe is the first of its kind.
The American Bar Association forms a committee to review the performance of law schools.
Indiana University Robert H. McKinney’s dean talks legal education and his future teaching plans.
Indiana University Provost and Executive Vice President Lauren Robel has announced the members of the search and screening committee to identify finalists for the position of dean of the Indiana University Maurer School of Law.