
Law student turns 6 today

While Feb. 29, which happens every four years, marks just another day for most, a first-year law student at Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis will celebrate his sixth birthday today.Mike Doversberger, an Elkhart native born Feb. 29, 1984, said he might use the birthday as a way to break the ice at a job interview today. Later, he will celebrate with friends and family.”I like to put it on the resume that I graduated from Notre Dame (undergrad) before…

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Lecture to cover religion, Constitution

Columbia University Law School professor Kent Greenawalt will speak about church and state at a public lecture Thursday that precedes an academic conference of law and religion scholars at the University of Notre Dame Law School.

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Law student runs for human rights: IU Law – Indianapolis organization recipient of 3L’s fundraising efforts

The International Human Rights Law Society at Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis will have more money to work with now than its $375 budget from the beginning of the school year, thanks to the organization’s vice president. The IHRLS is the student group that has researched, written, and presented shadow reports to experts for the United Nations Human Rights Council. Funds for the organization bring international human rights experts to speak at the school, present movie nights that are…

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Student runs for human rights group

A student at Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis is hoping to raise enough funds to increase the budget for the school's International Human Rights Law Society by asking for pledges for his participation in the Indianapolis Marathon Oct. 18.

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Panel to discuss race, death penalty

The Black Law Students Association and the American Constitution Society of Indiana University School of Law – Bloomington are sponsoring the program, “Intersection of Race and Jury Composition with the Death Penalty” April 1.Panelists for the program are: Marla Sandys, associate professor of criminal justice at IU – Bloomington; Paula Sites, Indiana Public Defender Council; and Jessie Cook, an attorney in private practice who has dealt with death penalty cases. In addition to discussing the issue of race and the death…

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Indiana law schools rank in annual report

Indiana’s four law schools once again were among the rankings for the U.S. News & World Report’s annual report of graduate schools.Based on data from fall 2007 and early 2008, three of the state’s law schools ranked in the top 100 of schools. The University of Notre Dame Law School is at 22, up from 28 last year; Indiana University School of Law – Bloomington, 36th, retained its ranking from last year; and Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis is…

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Professor to testify about foreclosures

A Valparaiso University law professor and expert on predatory mortgage lending and foreclosures will testify in front of the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services Wednesday. Assistant professor Alan White was invited to testify during the committee's hearing at 10 a.m. EDT on "The Implementation of the HOPE for Homeowners Program and a Review of […]

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Indiana deans support Georgia’s rule of law

Two Indiana law school deans joined 67 other deans in signing a statement of support for international norms of conduct and the rule of law in the Caucasus region in light of the recent violence between Russia and the Republic of Georgia. “The actions of Russia threaten … the people of Georgia and the Georgians’ commitment to values we hold fundamental and daily teach to our students,” the deans wrote in their letter. Recipients of the statement include the U.S. Department…

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Valpo grad lands sports law ‘dream job’

A Valparaiso University School of Law 2006 graduate who participated in the school's Sports Law Clinic, including the clinic's work in Turin, Italy, during the 2006 Winter Olympics, will begin work with the United States Anti-Doping Agency in Colorado Springs, Colo., March 10.

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Valpo law lecture series starts Sept. 16

Valparaiso University School of Law's fall lecture series "Scholars and Advocates in Residence: Shaping the Public Dialogue" kicks off Sept. 16 with a presentation from a senior lecturer in law from Ireland.

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New family law conference seeks papers

A new Midwest family law conference is looking for a few good papers to kick off its inaugural meeting in Indianapolis. The conference, “Jazzing up Family Law,” will be June 13 at Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis. The Midwest Family Law Consortium founding members – Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis, University of Missouri – Kansas City, and William Mitchell College of Law – are seeking papers and presenters for its family law conference. Papers can be submitted…

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Manslaughter article nets law professor award

An Indiana University School of Law – Bloomington professor has won a prestigious national award for the article he co-authored with an IU-Bloomington psychology professor about voluntary manslaughter.

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New federal chief judge for Southern District

A new chief judge has taken the leadership reins for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana.On Jan. 1, U.S. District Judge David F. Hamilton replaced Judge Larry J. McKinney as chief judge, meaning he’ll be expected to handle the court’s administrative matters and be a chief spokesperson for the court until 2015.During Judge McKinney’s seven-year term as chief of the nation’s third-busiest District Court, he’d led a court handling 23,000 civil and criminal cases, helped launch an…

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Life sciences, IP conference set

Protecting investments in intellectual property created at life sciences companies is the focus of the seminar in the 2008-2009 Indiana Life Sciences Collaboration Conference Series in Bloomington Nov. 14. This is the second seminar in the series.

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Lectures discuss screening lawyers, e-lawyering

The 11th annual Tabor Institute in Legal Ethics lectures featuring a bench and bar lecture and a public lecture will be April 24 at Valparaiso University School of Law. Both lectures are free and open to the public. The bench and bar lecture, “Gatekeepers: The Role of the Law School and the Bar in Regulating Access to the Profession (A Reflection on Traffic Tickets, Microwaving Cats, and Spanking),” George Washington University Law School professor Theresa A. Gabaldon will explore the growing…

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Attorney, ICLU founder dies

A prominent and well-respected labor attorney who had a great impact on Indianapolis and the legal community died July 27.Alan T. Nolan, an attorney, author, and historian, was 85. Calling and a memorial service will be Aug. 10 and 11.Nolan was born in Evansville and moved to Indianapolis at the age of 10. He attended Harvard Law School and clerked for Sherman Minton at the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago. He returned to Indianapolis in 1948 and practiced law…

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