
IU-Bloomington receives $4 million gift

An alumnus of Indiana University School of Law – Bloomington has donated $4 million to the law school to provide scholarships for students. California criminal defense attorney Donald P. Dorfman gave the money with the goal of helping students who are working their way through school. The entire gift will be dedicated to endowed scholarships and qualifies for matching funds as part of IU’s Matching the Promise campaign, which is why Dorfman decided to make the donation now. Dorfman received the…

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Justice encourages judicial applications

An Indiana Supreme Court justice is in South Bend today to actively encourage attorneys to apply for an opening on the St. Joseph Superior Court that will be available when Judge William T. Means retires Sept. 30.”Being a judge is a challenging but enormously gratifying way for an attorney to use all of his or her legal skills in a way that improves both the quality of life in our community and the quality of justice in our state,” Justice Frank…

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UPDATE: Voter ID questions remain

Hoosier voters should be ready to show their government-issued photo identification at the polls next week after the Supreme Court of the United States gave a green light to Indiana’s voter ID law. Other states may follow suit following the high court’s ruling Monday that upheld Indiana’s three-year-old statute.But voters and the legal community should be just as ready for a new wave of Election Day regulation and subsequent litigation because six justices agreed to some extent that voters could…

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Rhode Island CJ to give Lincoln lecture

The Indiana Supreme Court is sponsoring a lecture by the chief justice of the Rhode Island Supreme Court, titled "Abraham Lincoln: Lawyer in the White House." Chief Justice Frank Williams is a scholar and major collector of Lincoln paraphernalia.

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High court welcomes Australian, Ukraine jurists

The Indiana Supreme Court is welcoming some of its colleagues from other countries this month, first an Australian justice and then a group of jurists from the Ukraine.Justice Marcia Neave of the Australian Supreme Court of Victoria, Court of Appeals division, is visiting Indiana this week as part of a lecture at Valparaiso Law School. She was slated to meet today with Indiana Chief Justice Randall T. Shepard and Justices Ted Boehm and Robert Rucker; they were to take an afternoon…

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Non-firm job options: Recent law grads share advice

When considering law school, students may have the idea that getting a law degree will equal a large salary or a lifestyle similar to television shows that portray lawyers in spacious apartments, wearing designer clothes, and hosting large events. The reality is that may be true for some. For those who would rather work in politics, as in-house counsel, or start their own business, the salary may be smaller, but depending on one’s interests and career goals, it could be more…

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Valpo law dean to visit Republic of Georgia

The dean of Valparaiso University's School of Law will travel to the Republic of Georgia next week to help the country begin a major reform of its legal system during a two-day conference.

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Federal magistrate to retire

A federal magistrate judge in Indianapolis will step down from the bench in early December.U.S. District Magistrate Judge John Paul Godich in the Southern District announced this week plans to retire Dec. 6. This is his second retirement after leaving the federal court bench full time in 2001; he took recall status that year and continued working part time in a senior judge-type capacity.Judge Godich has served more than 34 years on the court, having been appointed Oct. 1, 1973 and…

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ISBA adds 3 new memberships

The Indiana State Bar Association has approved three new membership categories, describing the recent additions as a way to have the entire legal community represented within its membership ranks.On June 30, the Board of Governors added the categories of law librarians, legal administrators, and court administrators as affiliate members. They join the paralegal class in that ranking, meaning the four professional groups can serve on committees or join sections, but they cannot vote on issues or hold office.”This is a natural…

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September conference focuses on courts-Congress relationship

Attorneys are already coveting a spot at a September conference on the relationship between Congress and the courts, which will include an appearance by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. and multiple other well-known jurists and public officials.However, registration doesn’t begin until Thursday.Limited to the first 150, the Sept. 14 conference titled “Relations between Congress and the Federal Courts” is sponsored by the Indiana State Bar Association. Justice Alito will be the keynote speaker; joining him will the chief…

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New law school info session Aug. 9

Another information session has been scheduled for the Abraham Clark School of Law, a proposed new law school in Indianapolis. The meeting, which is open to the public, is Aug. 9 at 6:30 p.m. at Springhill Suites in Carmel, 11855 N. Meridian St.Directions to the meeting and information about the law school are available on the proposed law school’s Web site, participate in this information session, the school’s founder Mark Montefiori requests that attendees send an e-mail with full name…

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New Indy Law dean speaks at ACLU-IN event

A number of ACLU of Indiana attorneys and supporters attended a reception for Gary Roberts, the new dean of the Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis on Thursday afternoon at Baker & Daniels.The dean, who was also the keynote speaker, mingled with the attorneys before and after discussing a few of his experiences as deputy dean for Tulane University Law School in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, and subsequent flooding, pending sports law cases, and how he plans to encourage…

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Oxford professor speaks Sept. 12 at IU-Bloomington

University of Oxford professor Jonathan Herring will present a lecture – “Entering the Fog: On the Borderlines of Mental Capacity” – for the public Sept. 12 at noon in the Indiana University School of Law – Bloomington moot court room.Herring is on campus as Indiana Law’s George P. Smith II Distinguished Visiting Professor-Chair through Sept. 15.He has authored leading texts in family and medical law, and his research in these areas covers hot-button topics including the regulation of pregnancy and enforced…

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ND law student on ‘Millionaire’

A University of Notre Dame Law School student will appear on the game show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” Sept. 14 and 17.Jaclyn Sexton is a first-year law student from North Attleboro, Mass. Notre Dame students and South Bend residents can watch “Millionaire” on WNDU-TV (channel 16/cable channel 8) at 1 p.m. Other Indiana stations that air the show can be found on took her mother, Janice, to the taping, according to a press release from the law school….

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Pastor who ministers to death row inmates to speak at Notre Dame

The Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty will sponsor “Death Row Ministry and Indiana ;s Upcoming Execution of David Woods” from noon to 12:50 p.m. Wednesday in the University of Notre Dame Law School ;s courtroom, Room 121. The event is open to the public.The speaker is Wanda Callahan, a pastor of the Church of Brethren in Goshen. She has counseled death row inmates for more than 30 years, both in Florida and Indiana. Callahan will speak about the death penalty,…

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Law school assistant dean wins award

Jonna Kane MacDougall, assistant dean for advancement at Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis, has received the IUPUI Nan Bohan Community Engagement Award for her work with Outrun the Sun, a nonprofit organization she co-founded in 2004. The organization was created to help raise awareness about the risks of sun exposure and funds for melanoma education and research. MacDougall was one of two inaugural recipients Sept. 11 of the Bohan award, which was created to recognize “ongoing promotion of a…

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Governor chooses next Court of Appeals judge

The governor announced today that Marion Superior Judge Cale Bradford will be the newest jurist on the Indiana Court of Appeals.Judge Bradford will replace Judge Patrick D. Sullivan, who is retiring Aug. 1 as a result of reaching mandatory retirement age of 75. He will represent the second judicial district, which encompasses 19 counties in central Indiana.Gov. Mitch Daniels got nominations from the Judicial Nominating Commission May 18 and by law was required to make a decision within 60 days. Judge…

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ND Law hosts “What is war?”

“What Is War?” is the name and subject of a conference at the Hesburgh Center for International Studies Auditorium at the University of Notre Dame Sept. 14 and 15. The University of Notre Dame Law School, the Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, and Mershon Center for International Security Studies at Ohio State University are sponsoring the conference. It is free and open to the public.The discussions will feature Gen. Sir Michael Rose (British Forces, retired), and Gen. William…

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