Fashion show supports charity; international events include Indy professors
An annual Fashion show and auction in Bloomington helped raise more than $2,000. Two IU – Indy law professors have spoken at international events this month.
An annual Fashion show and auction in Bloomington helped raise more than $2,000. Two IU – Indy law professors have spoken at international events this month.
To learn more about a number of legal concerns that involve animal welfare – whether those issues involve pets, livestock, or even exotic animals – students at Indiana law schools have started organizations affiliated with the national Animal Legal Defense Fund.
Notre Dame Law School’s completely renovated Biolchini Hall of Law was dedicated earlier this month.
The inside of Heritage Hall, named for a music professor and one of the oldest buildings on the campus of Valparaiso University, has been redesigned as the law school’s Lawyering Skills Center and will soon welcome the Valparaiso University School of Law Clinical Program back to its old location.
Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis needs judges for its annual Honorable Robert H. Staton Intramural Moot Court Competition.
Three law students received the Access to Justice Program’s Pro Bono Award for performing the most pro bono in each of their respective classes.
Ties between an Indiana law school and India were strengthened this summer as six students completed legal internships and
a professor began a study of that country’s trial courts.
The Indiana Supreme Court has announced the 26 participants in this year’s Indiana Conference for Legal Education Opportunities
Summer Institute.
There are a lot of people who want to become attorneys. So many people, in fact, that the Indiana Board of Law Examiners has
had to find a second location to administer the July test.
The ninth conference aimed at solo and small firm attorneys in Indiana was a success according to organizers and those who attended, especially going by the number of law school students in attendance compared to previous years.
Indiana Legal Services Migrant Farm Workers Center, led by Melody Goldberg, helps migrant workers understand their legal rights.
In a rare move that may be used in only one other jurisdiction nationally, Judge David F. Hamilton on the 7th Circuit Court
of Appeals in Chicago plans to relocate his chambers from the Indianapolis courthouse where he’s from to the Indiana
University Maurer School of Law – Bloomington.
For the past few years, groups of students at Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis’ International
Human Rights Law Society, with encouragement from the school’s Program in International Human Rights Law, have been
working on and presenting various reports on human rights issues to experts who work for the United Nations.
While a Sports Law Clinic at an Indiana law school hasn’t gone to the Olympics since the 2006 winter games in Torino, Italy,
it doesn’t mean they haven’t been busy.
The student chapter of the Federalist Society at Indiana University Maurer School of Law - Bloomington and the Intellectual Property Association student group will co-host the final John Templeton Series Debate on film piracy.
An Indianapolis-based federal judge wants to know more before he decides whether a student chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana has standing to seek class certification in a lawsuit against the Indiana Board of Law Examiners.
The Indiana University Maurer School of Law in Bloomington is seeking judges for its annual Sherman Minton Moot Court Competition this fall.
The Indiana University Maurer School of Law in Bloomington launched a new center for law students this week: the Center on the Global Legal Profession.
Heritage Hall at Valparaiso University's School of Law will undergo renovations that include creating a Lawyering Skills Center to help students prepare for the day-to-day work done by attorneys.
The Indiana State Bar Association is holding a panel discussion and lunch Thursday at University of Notre Dame Law School to discuss the anxiety students face in looking for jobs.