
Indiana law students learn etiquette do’s and don’ts

While studying and test-taking often create stress, a new program is aimed at helping alleviate some of the anxieties Indiana law students may feel in the social realm of the legal profession. The Indiana State Bar Association recently teamed up with Notre Dame Law School, Indiana University Maurer School of Law and IU McKinney School of Law to put on etiquette dinners for students.

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Web Exclusive: Indy Lawyers Basketball League brings March Madness to the law

During the cold winter months, lawyers from across central Indiana return to the courts after the sun goes down. While there are plenty of motions, occasional oral arguments and even benches, the procedures during the meetings are far different from their day jobs. For around 13 weeks each year, dozens of attorneys trade in their suits and briefcases for jerseys and sneakers and take to the hardwood — a precedent set more than 40 years ago.

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LawHub sees rising need for lawyers to know business

Through its acquisition of the Institute for the Future of Law Practice in late 2020, the Law School Admission Council is continuing to branch out from its traditional LSAT test administration role and offer more legal skills programming at its online platform LawHub. The new curriculum coming from IFLP is touted as helping to better prepare law students and lawyers for the demands of today’s marketplace.

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Federal judge upholds IU vaccination mandate

The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Indiana is allowing Indiana University’s requirement that students must be vaccinated against COVID-19 or submit to additional requirements in order to return to classes in the fall, finding the 14th Amendment permits the school “to pursue a reasonable and due process of vaccination in the legitimate interest of public health.”

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