
Red-hot M&A target comes with a little legal problem in the US

For months now, Swiss seed maker Syngenta AG has been publicly courted by the likes of Monsanto Co. and China National Chemical Corp., part of a historic consolidation wave sweeping the agri-chemicals business. But lurking behind any deal are lawsuits against Syngenta in which U.S. farmers and grain handlers are claiming losses of up to $6 billion.

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Anthem workers target high 401(k) fees

Anthem Inc.’s retirement plan is accused in a lawsuit of forcing about 60,000 workers and retirees to pay excessive fees by having to invest in Vanguard Group funds billed as low-cost options.

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Judge grants extensions Pence sought in Syrian refugee case

A federal judge has granted extensions the administration of Gov. Mike Pence sought as it continues to oppose a charity’s resettlement of Syrian refugees in Indiana. The ACLU of Indiana, meanwhile, calls discovery demands the state has directed at the nonprofit agency “breathtaking.”

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Rolling Stone urges court to throw out UVa grads’ lawsuit

Rolling Stone magazine is urging a judge to throw out a lawsuit filed by three former fraternity members at the University of Virginia who claim they suffered humiliation and emotional distress because of the magazine's debunked article about a campus gang rape.

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Pence may argue charity can’t represent Syrian refugees

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence may argue the Indianapolis charity that sued him for attempting to suspend its federal government-approved resettlement of Syrian refugees has “a lack of any valid right of action or standing to assert the rights of refugees,” court filings show.

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