
Lesbian spouses challenge Indiana birth certificate law

An attorney for eight married lesbian couples argued Friday that the state of Indiana is discriminating against them by not allowing both women to be listed on their children's birth certificates, echoing a dispute that has led to similar lawsuits in several other states.

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Companies reconsidering North Carolina over LGBT rights

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory met with gay-rights advocates bearing a letter signed by more than 100 corporate executives urging him to repeal the nation’s first state law limiting the bathroom options for transgender people. The law also excludes lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people from anti-discrimination protections and blocks municipalities from adopting their own anti-discrimination and living wage rules.

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Indiana gay rights groups say history is on their side

Indiana LGBT rights activists said Tuesday that history is on their side and they will continue pressing for statewide civil rights protections for gender identity and sexual orientation despite lawmakers' unwillingness to act during the recently adjourned legislative session.

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Indiana House committee tosses hate-crimes bill

Legislation creating the state’s first hate-crime law to help victims targeted because of their race, sexual identity, religion or other specified characteristic is expected to die because it won’t get a committee hearing in the House, leaving lawmakers few options to address civil rights this year.

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Indiana business community fears fallout from gay rights failure

Indiana corporate leaders warned that the failure of the Republican-controlled Legislature to enact a law protecting gay, lesbian and bisexual people from discrimination could rebound on business, making it harder to recruit talented employees and sell the state as an attractive place to live.

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