
Mom may be liable for daughter’s accident

The Indiana Court of Appeals judges agreed that a mother may possibly be liable for her daughter’s accident in which
she struck a pedestrian with her car after drinking and talking on her cell phone at the time of the accident. The judges
didn’t completely agree as to why the mother may be liable.

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Attorney reprimanded for response to harassing calls

The Indiana Supreme Court has publicly reprimanded an Indianapolis attorney who responded to harassing phone calls and pre-recorded
messages to her unlisted phone number by asking a company representative if he was “gay” or “sweet.”

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Officer’s work with victims recognized

U.S. Attorney Timothy M. Morrison in the Southern District of Indiana
gave Cumberland Police Officer Jimmy Laws the 2010 United States Attorney’s Carol S. Morris Award for Outstanding Contributions
to the Rights of Victims on May 5.

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Disciplinary Actions – 5/12

The Indiana Supreme Court Disciplinary Commission brings charges against attorneys who have violated the state’s
rules for admission to the bar and Rules of Professional Conduct.

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IP attorney heads fundraising campaign for United Way

Possibly the first practicing attorney to take on a task of this nature, veteran lawyer Don
Knebel has set out as the 2010 campaign chair to expand the United Way donor base and raise as much as $40 million this year
in central Indiana.

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Family courts for pro se parents

While family courts have been around in Indiana for the last decade, the counties that have them continue to make changes to improve access to justice to all litigants who are in the system.

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Judges see more cases that involve veterans

For a little more than a year, Grant Superior Judge Mark Spitzer has presided over his local drug court and
has witnessed what he describes as remarkable results from the problem-solving court model.

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Prosecutor denies alleged misconduct

Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi denies that he violated any professional conduct rules in his handling of two high-profile murder cases, specifically in his written or spoken statements made when describing the crimes to the public.

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State funding of judges being explored

Lawmakers rejected a southern Indiana county's request this week for a new judge to run a family court, even though it proposes paying for it locally rather than with state money.

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High court upholds life sentence

The Indiana Supreme Court upheld a man's sentence of life in prison, noting the defendant's numerous opportunities to reform, but that he continued to commit crimes.

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Prosecutor denies misconduct accusations

Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi denies that he violated any professional conduct rules in his handling of two high-profile murder cases, specifically in his written or spoken statements made when describing the crimes to the public.

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