Suspended judge returns to bench
Marion Superior Judge Grant Hawkins, who was suspended earlier this year without pay, returned to the bench today.
Marion Superior Judge Grant Hawkins, who was suspended earlier this year without pay, returned to the bench today.
Marion Superior Judge Cynthia Ayers is holding public hearings today and Thursday regarding the proposed local rule, 49-TR85-231, which would require mandatory mediation for mortgage foreclosure cases in Marion County.
The Indiana Supreme Court's Disciplinary Commission has filed a complaint against Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi alleging he played to the media and violated professional conduct rules when commenting about two murder cases.
The Indiana Supreme Court issued an order today granting the Marion County Election Board's corrected motion to remand a case pursuant to Appellate Rule 37.
The Indiana Supreme Court has suspended Marion Superior Judge Grant W. Hawkins from the bench for 60 days without pay, though two justices wanted a yearlong penalty while two others wanted a month suspension.
A Marion County judge has refused to reduce damages in a priest sex-abuse case, saying the punitive damage caps put in place more than a decade ago are unconstitutional.
Indiana Court of Appeals judges disagreed as to whether an elected at-large school board candidate was "qualified" under the Indiana Constitution to take office because his election caused three members from the same school district to be on the board.
The Marion Superior Court Law Library at the City-County Building will officially close Dec. 31, but in early 2010 the reference materials from that library will be relocated to the Central Library branch of the Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library in downtown Indianapolis.
A suspended Marion Superior judge will be able to return to the bench after another 60 days off the bench, this time without pay.
he Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed summary judgment today in favor of engineering and construction companies in a lawsuit filed by a central Indiana library, finding the economic-loss doctrine bars the library's negligence claims against the companies.
LaPorte Circuit Judge Thomas Alevizos and Marion Superior Judge Marilyn Moores have received the Distinguished Hoosier Award for their work with juveniles.
Reach for Youth, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that oversees teen court programs in Marion and Johnson counties and over 250 teen court volunteers, must raise $15,000 by March 1 to keep afloat.
The judge and former commissioner disciplined for their roles that led to a wrongfully convicted man staying in prison must pay nearly $18,000 in expenses related to their disciplinary proceedings.
A suit filed today claims the Marion County traffic court judge is violating residents' constitutional rights by imposing additional fines on those who unsuccessfully challenge their tickets and closing proceedings to the public.
Two central Indiana counties are seeking public comment on proposed local rule changes.
A Marion County deputy prosecutor has been fired for withholding information regarding facts in a case involving her mother, who was arrested for insurance fraud.
A man who believes he's a vampire pleaded guilty Wednesday to one count of Class D felony intimidation for threats he made toward a Marion Superior Judge in 2008.
The Marion Superior Court has started a new continuing court education program for its employees as part of an ongoing effort to better serve staff and the community. The training was the first in a series of mandatory sessions planned for 2009.
Two Indianapolis law firm partners wonder why they were not given a chance to prevent potential lawyer advertising violations as colleagues have been given off and on through the years.
The Indiana Judicial Qualifications Commission agrees with a three-masters panel that a Marion Superior judge should be removed from the bench but wants him immediately suspended while the Indiana Supreme Court considers his final punishment.