
Default judgment against CBD company affirmed

An Indiana CBD company that refused to pay for a shipment of more than $200,000 of hemp could not convince an Indiana appellate court that it had excusable neglect for failing to respond to both a lawsuit filed against it as well as related court orders.

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COA affirms marriage, widow gets pension

A terminally ill firefighter’s marriage days before his death to a woman who was 36 years his junior and the beneficiary of his pension was upheld by the Court of Appeals of Indiana, which found no evidence to support his children’s contention that the nuptials should be annulled because their father’s mental capacity was impaired by pain medication.

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Is Marion County’s tradition of slating candidates nearing its end?

For years, endorsements by Marion County’s political parties significantly reduced the chances of a hotly contested primary for each party’s nomination. But not so much these days. The change is particularly noticeable among county Democrats running for county clerk, county recorder and a state senate seat in the May 3 primary election.

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