
Judges’ shooting suspects to go free after prosecutor declines to file charges

The two suspects arrested in connection with the shootings of two Clark County judges will soon go free after the Marion County Prosecutor's Office declined to file charges against them. Brandon Kaiser, 41, and Alfredo Vazquez, 23, were released as to their $200,000 and $60,000, respectively, bonds that were set in connection with the shootings of Clark Circuit Judges Andrew Adams and Bradley Jacobs. 

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COA reverses med-mal ruling in favor of doctor, hospital

The Indiana Court of Appeals has reversed and remanded a judgement in favor of an East Chicago hospital and doctor after finding the Medical Malpractice Act did not govern a claim alleging the doctor negligently shared a patient’s health information.

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Supreme Court: Summarily approved commitment orders not valid

The Indiana Supreme Court has expressly disapproved of a Marion County judge’s practice of summarily approving civil commitment orders individually reviewed by the presiding commissioner, though the justices also noted that the fact that the defendants' commitment orders have expired makes their appeals moot.

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COA tosses convictions on new charges introduced at trial

A split Indiana Court of Appeals reversed four counts of a woman’s conviction, finding the trial court abused its discretion in allowing the state to amend the charging information without giving the defendant a “reasonable opportunity” to prepare and defend against the new counts.

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Seriously injured truck driver’s suit against Celadon reinstated

A semi-truck driver who was seriously injured after the contents of his trailer fell on him upon opening the door after transport won partial judgment against the trucking company responsible for loading the trailer when an appellate panel found the company owed him a duty of care.

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Howard County magistrate, other judicial aid bills advance

A bill requesting an additional magistrate judge to handle an increasing number of cases filed in Howard County was approved by the full Senate on Monday. That bill now joins several other counties’ similar requests for judicial help making their way to the governor’s desk.

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Staying home: Legal aid efforts help people maintain stable housing

Brenda Davis and Franci Gartin know a home can be a place to rest from the struggles of daily living. The two Indianapolis women were settled into their houses, arranged and as welcoming as they each wanted. But then the struggles of the outside world invaded, and they found themselves in danger of losing their own domiciles.

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Venue transfer arguments face justices’ scrutiny

In back-to-back oral arguments, the Indiana Supreme Court considered whether to grant transfer in two medical malpractice cases seemingly in conflict with each other. The debate: whether Indiana Code § 23-0.5-4-12 is a validly enacted statute or a nullity under the Supreme Court’s interpretation of Trial Rule 75(A)(4) regarding venue.

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Bank’s arbitration award reversed for abuse of discretion

A small claims court’s confirmation of an arbitration award to a bank after its ‘dilatory conduct’ was reversed Thursday by the Indiana Court of Appeals, which found an abuse of discretion occurred in granting the bank relief several years after the case should have been dismissed with prejudice.

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