
Marion County seeks needle exchange amid hepatitis C surge

A public health emergency has been declared in Marion County amid surging hepatitis C cases in Indianapolis that officials hope to combat with a needle-exchange. The county’s health department director declared the health emergency Thursday amid a 1,000 percent increase in hepatitis C between 2013 and 2017.

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AG Hill: Prosecutors have no say in defending Indiana abortion law

Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill is hitting back at three county prosecutors who have declined to defend the state in its most recent abortion-related lawsuit, saying the prosecutors have no authority to determine how the case proceeds. Prosecutors in Marion, Lake and Monroe counties said Wednesday the ceded the merits of a case challenging a new law that would require reporting of “abortion complications.”

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Paternity court pro bono ADR program helps clients find own solutions

Two times a year, the Alternative Dispute Resolution section of the Indianapolis Bar Association organizes a Paternity Court Mediation Day where volunteer attorneys try to help fighting parents reach an agreement about the care of their children. The cases are selected by the court and deal with issues that arise after paternity has been established — custody, parenting time and child support.

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COA transfers daycare negligence case to Hendricks County

A negligence case against a Hendricks County church daycare accused of causing an infant’s catastrophic brain injury must be transferred to Hendricks County after the Indiana Court of Appeals determined the trial court erred in finding Marion County was a preferred venue.

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Justices order nonlawyer to stop family law services

An Indianapolis woman who is not a licensed attorney but has consistently provided legal assistance to Indiana residents with child support and parenting time issues has been enjoined from continuing in her unauthorized practice of law.

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COA affirms denial of motion to suppress drug evidence

A man found slumped over a steering wheel who later admitted to possessing methamphetamine and marijuana has lost his appeal of the denial of his motion to suppress the evidence against him. The Indiana Court of Appeals found the seizure of the man was constitutionally permissible.

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Supreme Court hears insanity argument in shooting death of pastor

The May 2012 shooting of the Bethel Community Church pastor left the Southport community shaken. Admitted killer Lori Barcroft was twice found guilty but mentally ill in the shooting death of Jaman Iseminger, but as it stands now, she is not guilty by reason of insanity after a second Indiana Court of Appeals reversal.

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Cumberland mental health crisis team among first in state

The Cumberland Police Department initiated the Cumberland Assertive Response and Engagement Team in January. The CARE Team is designed by Chief Michael Crooke to help those suffering from mental illness and addiction by providing resources to them and their families.

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Trailblazing Judge Patricia Gifford leaves strong legacy

Retired Marion Superior Court Judge Patricia Gifford, the sixth woman to sit as a trial judge in the state of Indiana and one of the first women in the country to be assigned to prosecute only sex offense cases, died April 8 in Fort Meyers Beach, Florida. She was 79.

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