
State seeks new judge after surprise ruling in IBM case

Lawyers representing the state in its ongoing lawsuit against IBM over a canceled $1.3 billion welfare privatization contract have asked for a new judge in the case and moved to void his latest ruling that said the state wasn’t entitled to damages for breach of contract.

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Marion County Bar Association opposes judicial selection bill

Lawmakers are working to craft an 11th-hour agreement on how judges should be chosen in Marion County after they were unable to reach a compromise Monday. Meanwhile, Indianapolis’ historically black bar association called for direct election of judges instead of a proposed merit-selection system.

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Lawsuit could upend civil forfeiture in Indiana

A new challenge to Indiana’s civil forfeiture process does not seek to end the practice altogether but its attempts to stop the flow of money into local law enforcement coffers could, ultimately, halt the seizure of property in the state.

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Black lawmakers oppose Marion County judge selection bill

A proposal to create a 14-member merit-selection commission to nominate Marion Superior judges would harm minority representation on the bench of the state’s largest county, members of the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus said in a statement Monday as the bill awaited second reading on the House floor.

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Attorneys added to Marion County judicial selection committee

The Courts and Criminal Code Committee in the Indiana House of Representatives passed an amendment Wednesday modifying the makeup of the Marion County judicial selection committee. The amendment adds more Marion County attorneys to the committee that will send names to the governor for appointment.

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