
Trimble: Have You Hired A Contract Lawyer Lately?

In a perfect world, my dream would be for every job seeker to land a full-time position. I would also hope that all of you could find the time to network and mentor our colleagues who cannot find work. In the meantime, I have one question for you: “Have you hired a contract lawyer lately?"

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US said to tap ex-bank lawyer for compliance job

Big banks that say the U.S. doesn’t understand how tough it is to comply with everything from anti-bribery to antitrust laws are about to gain an ear inside the Justice Department: a former compliance chief from Standard Chartered Bank PLC.

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IndyBar Recognition Awards Honor Indy’s Leading Legal Professionals

Each year, the IndyBar takes time to honor and celebrate local leaders with innovative ideas through the Recognition Awards. On Wednesday, Nov. 18, join your colleagues at Meridian Hills Country Club for breakfast as we honor the following individuals who make outstanding contributions to the legal profession. Visit for registration. The recipient of the […]

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IndyBar Recognition Awards Honor Indy’s Leading Legal Professionals

Each year, the IndyBar takes time to honor and celebrate local leaders with innovative ideas through the Recognition Awards. On Wednesday, Nov. 18, join your colleagues at Meridian Hills Country Club for breakfast as we honor the following individuals who make outstanding contributions to the legal profession. Visit for registration. The recipient of the […]

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IndyBar Recognition Awards Honor Indy’s Leading Legal Professionals

Each year, the IndyBar takes time to honor and celebrate local leaders with innovative ideas through the Recognition Awards. On Wednesday, Nov. 18, join your colleagues at Meridian Hills Country Club for breakfast as we honor the following individuals who make outstanding contributions to the legal profession. Visit for registration. The recipient of the […]

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IndyBar Recognition Awards Honor Indy’s Leading Legal Professionals

Each year, the IndyBar takes time to honor and celebrate local leaders with innovative ideas through the Recognition Awards. On Wednesday, Nov. 18, join your colleagues at Meridian Hills Country Club for breakfast as we honor the following individuals who make outstanding contributions to the legal profession. Visit for registration. The recipient of the […]

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IndyBar Recognition Awards Honor Indy’s Leading Legal Professionals

Each year, the IndyBar takes time to honor and celebrate local leaders with innovative ideas through the Recognition Awards. On Wednesday, Nov. 18, join your colleagues at Meridian Hills Country Club for breakfast as we honor the following individuals who make outstanding contributions to the legal profession. Visit for registration. The recipient of the […]

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SCOTUS to hear law student’s redistricting case

Two things set first-year law student Stephen Shapiro apart from his classmates at American University in Washington. At 55, he’s old enough to be a father to most of his classmates. And on Wednesday, a lawsuit he filed will be heard by the Supreme Court of the United States.

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Ready for ‘Love your Lawyer Day’?

Nov. 6 is National Love Your Lawyer Day, an occasion to celebrate attorneys for the good work they do, often without thanks, according to the American Lawyers Public Image Association.

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Jones: A millennial’s take on political involvement

By Keenan M. Jones Jones The election is over, and for many of us, that is cause for a great sigh of relief. No more TV ads paid for by PACs. No more radio spots smearing the other candidate. And the yard signs that have littered neighborhoods will be coming down, at least until the […]

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Thompson: Advice to myself when I was a young lawyer

After a spirited conversation with colleagues about the opportunity to time travel, I posed the discussion topic, “If you had the opportunity to travel back in time and talk with your younger self as a new attorney, what advice would you share about life as a lawyer?”

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