
Opinions Oct. 9, 2015

Indiana Court of Appeals

Allen Gray Limited Partnership IV v. Bishop Mumford, Christopher Mumford, Elizabeth B. Mumford, Richardson S. Mumford, Thomas F. Mumford, Jr., and William M. Mumford
Miscellaneous. Affirms summary judgment for the Mumford family. The trial court correctly determined the reservation applied to the surface area of the “drilling unit” and did not restrict the Mumfords from making the reserved wells deeper.

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Deed allows owners to make wells deeper, court rules

A family that sold mineral rights to a company but reserved the rights to oil and gas from certain producing wells was not restricted by the deed from making the reserved wells deeper, the Indiana Court of Appeals held Friday.

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Attorneys: City handling of police shooting a national model

North Charleston, South Carolina, did not erupt in violence — as other cities in similar circumstances did — after a white police officer fatally shot an unarmed black man. Attorneys for both the city and the family say that is because of the quick actions both sides took to preserve the peace and to come to an agreement.

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BMV: Reforms underway but will take years to complete

Significant reforms are underway at the troubled Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, officials said Thursday, but noted those will likely take several years to carry out and won't come from "quick fixes" to the agency, which in recent years has overcharged motorists millions of dollars in fees.

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Opinions Oct. 8, 2015

Indiana Court of Appeals
Robert E. Quinn v. State of Indiana
Criminal. Affirms convictions of child molesting and criminal confinement, both Class B felonies. Under the facts and circumstances of this case, the state’s employees acted reasonably in the manner in which they maintained, discovered and tested DNA evidence that led to Quinn’s convictions, thereby establishing the due diligence requirement of I.C. 35-41-4-2(b).

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BP to pay $138 million in fees in DOJ deal

The value of BP Plc’s settlement with the U.S. government and five Gulf states over the Deepwater Horizon oil spill rose to $20.8 billion in the latest tally of costs from the U.S. Justice Department.

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Opinions Oct. 7, 2015

7th Circuit Court of Appeals
Tom Allen Manuel v. J.A. Terris
U.S. District Court, Southern District of Indiana, Terre Haute Division. Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson.
Civil. Affirms denial of petition for habeas corpus, directed at the prison warden, for a reduction of Manuel’s prison sentence. The period that Manuel wants credited against his federal sentence had already been credited toward his state sentence.

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