Indybar: Frontlines
Thank You, Legal Line Volunteers!, Welcome New Citizens at Naturalization Ceremonies, Calling All IndyBar Paralegals!
Thank You, Legal Line Volunteers!, Welcome New Citizens at Naturalization Ceremonies, Calling All IndyBar Paralegals!
Hopelessness in Indianapolis? Please, take a moment and consider the meaning of hopelessness. Can any of us even imagine what it would be like to be hopeless? Indeed, being hopeful is simply a standard state of mind for most of us.
The slate for the 2016 Indianapolis Bar Association Board of Directors is now complete with the appointment of four Vice Presidents and the Counsel to the Board by President-Elect Judge Robyn Moberly of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Indiana.
The Family Law Section and the Pro Bono Standing Committee invite you to the inaugural Show Up to Sign Up, a social networking event to be held at the Indianapolis Bar Association Education Center on October 14 from 4 to 5 p.m.
Read recent appellate decisions from Indiana courts.
Join the DTCI Insurance Section for a roundtable discussion with Judge Mark Smith of Hendricks County Superior Court and Judge Matthew Kincaid of Boone Superior Court at Tow Yard Brewing Company in Indianapolis at 3 p.m. on Sept. 24.
The DTCI Paralegal Section is organizing support for a 10-member special operations detachment military troop currently stationed overseas. The troop’s biggest wish is for gift cards to pay for Internet service, which they must buy themselves.
These decisions reveal the board’s position on issues before it and provide practice refreshers and guidance to attorneys who practice before the Worker’s Compensation Board of Indiana.
Note my musings on friend Larry Reuben on the occasion of the spring opening of the Riviera Club pool.
Indianapolis attorney Lawrence M. Reuben, who created a strong legacy of community activism, died Sept. 11, 2015. He was 67 years old.
If you have not had an opportunity to take our survey, please take a moment to do so at
Three months after legislation was approved at the Indiana Statehouse allowing utility companies to pass along the costs of upgrading their infrastructure to consumers, Northern Indiana Public Service Co. took the new law out for a test drive.
While a legal pad and pen are forms of technology, and can be very effective, you should be tracking your to- do’s with digital tools.
The Indiana Supreme Court has released its annual report covering the fiscal year July 1, 2014-July 1, 2015. The report may be viewed at
The Indianapolis Lawyers Softball League recently wrapped its 2015 season with the “Pokers” claiming the championship title.
Determining the final outcome of a case may bring about feelings of apprehension and stress, and leave jurors second-guessing their decision.
In both federal and state courts, jury feedback occurs after a trial is over. Despite how helpful attorneys and jurors often find this extra step, though, it isn’t always part of the process.
Proposals to increase the state-imposed $1.25 million cap on damages in medical malpractice cases have some unlikely supporters: Indiana hospitals.