
Opinions Sept. 3, 2015

Indiana Court of Appeals
Memory Gardens Management Corporation, Inc. v. Liberty Equity Partners, LLC, and Old Bridge Funeral Home, LLC
Civil collection. Affirms grant of the Old Bridge parties’ motion for summary judgment and affirms the denial of Memory Gardens’ cross-motion for summary judgment. Remands to decide reasonable appellate attorney fees. Finds Memory Gardens’ failure to object to receiver’s final report forever bars it from claiming the $450,000 demand note. Also rules receiver abandoned Memory Gardens’ claims for the demand note.

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Opinions Sept. 2, 2015

Indiana Supreme Court
David Anderson, Joe Wray, John Kennard, Commissioners, and Board of Trustees, Brown County Fire Protection District v. Susanne Gaudin, Janet Kramer, and Ruth Reichmann
Civil plenary. Reverses summary judgment finding that a county board of commissioners lacked authority to amend an ordinance that previously established a countywide fire protection district. Majority concludes that under the Home Rule Act, boards of county commissioners are authorized to amend fire protection districts, even if an amendment dissolves the district. The opinion written by Justice Brent Dickson was joined by Justice Mark Massa and Chief Justice Loretta Rush; Justice Steven David concurred with a separate opinion. Justice Robert Rucker dissented and would affirm the trial court judgment in favor of property owners.

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Clerk defying gay marriage orders: ‘A heaven or hell decision’

Now as the Rowan County clerk in Morehead, Kentucky, Kim Davis is refusing to surrender in a battle over who can and can’t be wed. She invoked “God's authority” Tuesday as she defied a series of federal court orders and once again denied marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

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CHINS ruling splits Court of Appeals

A split Indiana Court of Appeals reversed a Child in Need of Services adjudication, ruling the child’s absent, out-of-state father should be presumed to be a fit and capable parent unless the state proves otherwise.

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