IBA: Lawyer Telecommuting on the Rise
The days of being chained to a desk truly are ending for most lawyers.
The days of being chained to a desk truly are ending for most lawyers.
Your Indianapolis Bar Foundation is seeking energetic leaders interested in helping to guide this dynamic fundraising board
in 2011.
From what started as a 30-member group in 1878 to what is now a growing association with nearly 5,000 members, the IBA has come a long way since well before we became members.
A survey recently released by law firm management consulting company Altman Weil reports a clear consensus emerging among US law firms on changes in the profession.
The Indianapolis Bar Association’s ADR Section and the Bar’s Standing Committee on Pro Bono jointly hosted their first annual Mediation Day on August 3, 2010 at Baker & Daniels downtown Indianapolis office.
Marion Superior Court Judge Michael Keele recently moved from civil court 12 to civil court 7 prompting a discussion about
assignment of zoning and substantive civil environmental cases.
Twenty years ago the United States took a giant leap forward in providing access for all persons regardless of ability with
passage of The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Have you ever considered what it would be like to stand aboard an aircraft carrier? Have you ever wanted to meet and learn
from a Navy Seal who survived on his own behind enemy lines in Afghanistan?
The Judicial Administration Committee of the Judicial Conference of Indiana began conducting research on jury reform in 1997.
At approximately the same time, the Indiana Supreme Court organized citizens, attorneys, and judges to form the Citizens Commission
for the Future of Indiana Courts.
As the prices for homes continue to drop as foreclosures and abandoned properties continue to pop up in virtually every neighborhood,
there may be a few people considering whether these homes could make for good investments either as properties to fix and
sell or to buy and repair for a rental property.
Attorney Bob Beasley has represented Garfield-creator and Hoosier Jim Davis since the early 1980s.
Casting a ballot in an election ought to be a simple thing for a citizen to do. But there are those who would make it as difficult
as possible for some to exercise their franchise.
The Indiana State Bar Association is seeking nominations for several awards.
A look at those whoâ??ve been finalists in the past 25 years and their positions or titles at that time.
A Greensburg woman – who said she was wrongfully convicted 14 years ago of an arson that killed her son – has lost her latest bid for a new trial and is now taking her case to the Indiana Court of Appeals.
As the prices for homes continue to drop as foreclosures and abandoned properties continue to pop up in virtually every neighborhood, there may be a few people considering whether these homes could make for good investments either as properties to fix and sell or to buy and repair for a rental property. While this can […]
The governor must choose among two judges, one appellate attorney for next justice.
An annual highlight for participants, mentors, and organizers, the summer institutes for Project Citizen and We The People have once again actively prepared teachers to present civics lessons so students can understand and become responsible citizens.
Clear and concise court rulings are what judges hope can be produced, so that lawyers and lower courts can have guidance on
how to address a particular legal issue. But that doesn’t always happen.
Twenty-five years ago, choosing an Indiana Supreme Court justice was confidential.