
331 join Indiana bar Tuesday

After receiving advice Tuesday to follow their passions and guard their reputations, 331 people became new lawyers in the state of Indiana.

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Recent bar passage results ‘stunning’

Traditionally those who take the bar exam in February achieve a lower pass rate than their July counterparts, but the results from this February’s exam has surprised many, raising questions about the quality of the test-takers as well as the quality of the exam.

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February 2016 bar exam results announced

The Indiana Board of Law Examiners has announced the list of candidates who passed the February bar exam. The BLE notes passage is only one of the requirements need to be admitted practice in Indiana, and no one is able to practice law until admitted.

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Jones: A millennial’s take on political involvement

By Keenan M. Jones Jones The election is over, and for many of us, that is cause for a great sigh of relief. No more TV ads paid for by PACs. No more radio spots smearing the other candidate. And the yard signs that have littered neighborhoods will be coming down, at least until the […]

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Thompson: Advice to myself when I was a young lawyer

After a spirited conversation with colleagues about the opportunity to time travel, I posed the discussion topic, “If you had the opportunity to travel back in time and talk with your younger self as a new attorney, what advice would you share about life as a lawyer?”

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A growing advantage to the law school degree

Well-documented changes in the legal profession since the economic recession are sending a small but growing number of law school graduates down a new career path toward companies that want employees with juris doctorates but do not involve the practice of law.

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