
Editorial: More of the same?

They’re back, and like most citizens who watch with interest the goings on in the Indiana General Assembly, we’re not sure it’s altogether a good thing.

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Morris: Internet is the Wild West of blog posting

When you post a comment to a story on a media website, you are responsible for your words. At least that is the case at this time. Contrary to that opinion, many people think hiding behind an anonymous identity online should be a protected right.

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Tablets, smartphones, and netbooks converge

It is obvious that tablet computers like the iPad and its many competitors are the hottest segment in mobile computing today. Today’s article will look at some of the approaches being taken toward the convergence between smartphones, tablets, netbooks and notebooks.

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Salinas: Senate Bill 590 is a step back for Indiana

I believe that members of Indiana’s legal profession have a duty to voice their concerns when laws are proposed that could dramatically affect the civil liberties of individuals living in Indiana. Think about it, what if you could have voiced your opinion when laws imposing poll taxes or prohibitions against interracial marriages were being considered in some state legislatures. Would you have done it?

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In-box: Improving the way courts do business

Indiana courts are tackling a giant technology project. It matters because it affects both our efficiency and your ability to access court information for free. Right now, our state’s 400 trial courts don’t share case information with each other or with state agencies in the electronic ways that are so common in modern life. There are 21 different computer systems managing court information in our state. As you can imagine, we believe that is a bad business practice and we’re working to do better.

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Editorial: Home is where the heart is for Mr. Copsey

We often think of law enforcement officers and firefighters as first-responder types who venture into situations where others are reluctant to go. We’d like to expand the definition of first responder a bit, and bring your attention to an Indianapolis lawyer who after retiring from his day job years ago decided he wasn’t quite done practicing law.

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