IndyBar’s 50 Year Honorees
Each year, the Indianapolis Bar Association’s Annual Recognition Breakfast is capped off by the celebration of those members of the association celebrating their 50th anniversary in the practice of law in 2023.
Each year, the Indianapolis Bar Association’s Annual Recognition Breakfast is capped off by the celebration of those members of the association celebrating their 50th anniversary in the practice of law in 2023.
Indianapolis criminal defense attorney Robert Hammerle gives us his take on “26.2 to Life” and revisits “Golda.”
Most recently, controversy — and flack — has again come to Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita over his successful disciplinary complaint against Dr. Caitlin Bernard.
The fact that the other four ADR methods have seldom — if ever — been used has led some stakeholders and commentators to suggest that the rules should be amended to eliminate the four other methods, leaving only mediation governed by the rules.
Now, while the intake process for a law firm can be totally digital, many attorneys still prefer to utilize staff to manage at least parts of the intake process.
Life as a lawyer is often a trial by fire, and much of what you need to know in the real world isn’t taught in law school.
I am an extrovert and most of my life is an open book, but there is one topic in my life I was raised to be cautious to speak about, and that is my faith. I am Jewish.
You’ve heard of “the look,” right? The one that people of color sometimes receive when they enter a store, walk down the street or just exist? I did not even realize “the look” existed until I was an adult.
Whether federal question jurisdiction exists is typically apparent and not contested. Diversity jurisdiction, however, is improperly invoked with frequency.
I have had the wonderful opportunity to spend the fall of my 3L year studying at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, Germany. One of my reasons for studying in Germany was that I wanted to experience a different country’s approach to labor and employment law.
For any changes to truly be effective, all members of an organization must acknowledge their own implicit biases and actively interrupt them.
Generally speaking, there are three stages that law firm owners need to move through before reaching the highest level of process management in their law firms, which is automated workflows.
W. Kent Winingham of Wilson Kehoe Winingham has been selected to lead the Indianapolis Bar Foundation in 2026.
The coming years expect an increase in diverse early-career attorneys in law firms. Proactive mentorship can help retain them into partnership but will require both the firms and the early-career attorneys to be open-minded in the mentoring relationships.
The issue of remote work remains an issue, but after more than a year of remote work, some answers have materialized, and now a number of other concerns have surfaced about the future of our profession.
Indianapolis criminal defense attorney Robert Hammerle gives us his take on “Golda” and “The Little Mermaid.”
Learn about Marion Superior Judge Mark Stoner.
On Sept. 20, the Indy Bar HEAL Committee (Helping Enrich Attorneys Lives) and JLAP (Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program) co-sponsored a unique, free seminar, “Depression and Lawyers: Real Stories.”
When making employment and promotion decisions, employers may continue to promote DEI initiatives. The key is to focus on the underlying causes of disadvantage rather than explicitly focusing on race.
The Indianapolis Bar Association has learned of recent public statements made by Doug Carter, Superintendent of the Indiana State Police, in a television interview regarding the Marion County criminal justice system and the Hon. Judge Jennifer Harrison.