
DTCI: Philadelphia and lawyers representing business

Philadelphia was founded in 1682 by William Penn and served as the capital of Pennsylvania during the British colonial era. It went on to play a historic and vital role in the 18th century as the central meeting place for our nation’s Founding Fathers. This fall, it will also serve as the location for DRI’s annual meeting.

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Kilies and Simonton: Employee protections after Bostock

Employers likely remember Bostock v. Clayton County, the landmark decision where the Supreme Court of the United States extended Title VII’s “because of sex” protections to sexual orientation and transgender status. In that case, the Supreme Court made clear that it is unlawful under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act for employers to terminate employees for being gay or transgender but left open some questions.

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Smith: Written advocacy in the electronic age: Do’s and don’ts

Embracing the recent advances in technology, every court in Indiana is now part of the Indiana Electronic Filing System. This means almost every judge in this state — from small claims to the Supreme Court — now reads some part of your written work product on an iPad, laptop, smartphone or computer screen. Many attorneys, however, still have not changed their writing styles and practices to reflect this, and they are missing significant advocacy opportunities as a result.

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Dillman: Economic instability and the need to plan for long-term care

The current economic crisis has rattled the confidence of all of us, including my clients. If you are in a practice that focuses on pre-planning, then I am sure you are seeing a similar reaction. Clients who are typically proactive are now pulling back on the reins and taking care of immediate needs — doing just enough to address these immediate needs — rather than preparing for the near future.

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