
Murtaugh: I endured the pain of depression then stole my joy back

On a Sunday, two days before the submission deadline for this article, I went to a coffee shop to start my writing process. I was really struggling with my depression. Because I was suffering, I had a need to use that time to journal. I needed to write down what I was feeling to try to get some relief. So, that is what I have to share with you this time.

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Coleman and Kile-Maxwell: Pro bono benefits community, young lawyers professionally

We all know that, as Indiana attorneys, we are required to report our pro bono service each year during our annual registration. Aside from giving you something to report each year, we want to share reasons why we think pro bono service is an integral part of every lawyer’s career, particularly for young lawyers, such as the more than 275 who were just sworn in and joined the Indiana bar this month.

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Doell and Sen: Remote online notarizations facilitate e-closings

Among the changes that seek to bring real estate closings into the technological era is a push toward electronic and remote online notarization. Where adopted, RON laws will allow a remote notary, legally commissioned by the applicable state, to conduct notarizations over the internet via digital tools and a live audio/video call.

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Law Student Outlook: Thoughts on mediation, negotiation and other forms of ADR

Despite our continued interest in litigation, we are here to report that we certainly like what we have found in and are open to future possibilities in alternative dispute resolution. We have also come to recognize that just because our interests lean toward litigation does not mean that we will not encounter and utilize skills such as negotiating that maybe are not seen as being traditionally within a litigator’s area of expertise.

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English: Overcoming fear of failure and other advice to new attorneys

No one expects you to know all of the answers as soon as you are sworn in. It’s called the practice of law for a reason. When it comes to making mistakes, the question isn’t if — it’s when. Most of the tasks you will receive, you have never done before. Do your best work, but also accept that you’re going to mess up at some point.

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Blair and Olsen: On economic downturns, construction problems and taxation

Most of us can relate to the feeling of starting a home project, only to complete half of it (likely not very well) and leave the project as-is for months on end. We certainly can, as much as we might not like to admit it. While our spouses might disagree, partially completed home projects are not really a big deal in the grand scheme of things. But what about partially completed commercial buildings? That’s a different story, especially for tax assessment purposes.

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Osborne: Landlords may be liable for tenant-on-tenant harassment

Some attorneys may be familiar with and can competently advise their clients regarding the federal and state causes of action for hostile work environment. However, there is a similar, lesser-known cause of action for discrimination in the housing context known as “hostile housing environment” that warrants attention in light of a fairly recent opinion by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals clarifying its scope.

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JLAP: Lawyer well-being movement is no laughing matter

When my colleagues first expressed a vision for healthier lawyers — not merely helping those already struggling with addiction and mental health diagnoses, but helping all lawyers to thrive — some laughed. Someone even suggested to me that the title for a presentation I was giving should be “Is Lawyer Well-Being an Oxymoron?”

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Quick: Aim to be leader of the pack in marketing

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett has said the main quality he looks for when considering an investment in a company is “an enduring competitive advantage.” There are a lot of elements that make up a competitive advantage. Very simply put, it’s your point of differentiation between your firm and your competitors.

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Trimble: Rainmaking 101 — Building your social skills and network

The task of teaching a new lawyer to cultivate clients should not fall solely on the shoulders of the young lawyer. Firms need to provide financial support, mentoring and a strategy for the lawyers they hire. However, it is a two-way street. Young lawyers need to step forward and be strategic themselves.

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Moore: Premortem validation could help avert will, estate contests

Premortem validation may be a useful tool for any testator or settlor who suspects her will or trust will be challenged after her death. By implementing the premortem validation procedures, the testator or settlor can ensure a contest action will be brought while she is alive to defend her capacity and likely deter a meritless challenge.

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McDermott: 1 year to go — The Real ID countdown begins

You can mark your calendars now: in about a year, attorneys across Indiana will be getting frantic calls from untold numbers of people who are suddenly unable to fly on an airplane. The cause of this commotion will be the Real ID law, set to finally take full effect Oct. 1, 2020.

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Boldt: Disclosing estate plans in advance can save strife later

Estate planning clients, typically those nearing or beyond retirement, often ask what kind of information they should share during life with the beneficiaries of their estate. If one child will be treated differently than others, how should they address it, if at all? Should they disclose the fact that an inheritance is likely?

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Letter to the editor: Support key rule to curb housing discrimination

One of our strongest tools to hold bad actors accountable in the central Indiana housing market has been the disparate impact rule. However, the recent proposed rule issued by this administration, if enacted, would establish an onerous five-step process that would clearly preclude most from bringing future legal challenges that contain disparate impact claims.

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