
DTCI: Key questions on enforceability of noncompete agreements

In addition to the standard family and criminal law questions, most attorneys have been approached by a friend or family member requesting advice on their noncompetition agreement and, more importantly, whether they really must comply with the terms of the agreement.

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Harrell and Lucas: CPP vs. ACE — A case study of administrative ‘parenting styles’

Most of us can recall when our caretakers made different parenting choices to achieve similar outcomes. Some embraced “tough love” where discipline and strictness set expectations. Others used gentler encouragement and allowed broader autonomy. Those parenting styles — the “tough” versus the “flexible” parent — are apt frameworks for comparing the Obama-era Clean Power Plan (CPP) and the Trump-era Affordable Clean Energy rule (ACE) approaches to carbon dioxide emissions limits for electric utility steam generating units (EGUs).

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Eye on the Profession: Does culture in the legal workplace matter?

One of the new tensions of moving a law firm or legal department toward more businesslike behavior is culture. Critics constantly ask, “Will our culture be ruined?” “Will our culture be changed?” “Should we even be concerned about the impact change may have on culture?” “Does culture matter?”

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Law Student Outlook: Navigating the 2L summer job search

Along with a full course load, leadership positions on the executive boards of student organizations, moot court, journals with endless cite-checking assignments and other time-consuming obligations, one thing is common among top priorities for rising 2Ls: the job search.

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Cotterill: Reinforcing corporate culture with personnel policies

Everyone’s talking about corporate culture and employee engagement these days because talent attraction and retention are so critical to the success of every company. So much goes into developing culture, and lawyers can have a positive impact on their company’s culture just by modernizing the old, boring personnel policy manual.

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Law Firm Succession Planning: Key questions develop a strategy

What are your goals for your retirement and law firm succession plan, and how do you plan to achieve them? Do you have any timetable in mind? It can be difficult for some of us to sit down and think about retirement and how we will plan our exit from our practice. But just as in estate planning, we need to face these issues.

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DTCI: Take your deposition preparation beyond the ancient commands

Deposition preparation should not be a reflex exercise. Simply relying on your tried-and-true deposition preparation outline with the long list of ancient commands (“Don’t guess!” “Don’t elaborate!” “Don’t volunteer!”) is wrong. All witnesses are not created equal, so your next deposition preparation session should not be the same as your last.

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Living Fit: 6 tips to eating right and staying energized on the job

Other than getting a good night’s sleep, there’s probably nothing that impacts your productivity and mood at work more than what you eat. Yet you probably give little thought to what you consume before and during work, defaulting instead to what’s convenient, cheap and tasty. Fortunately, there are a few basic food guidelines that can help you eat better to perform better on the job.

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