
Hays & Lee: Prepare to break through mediation impasses

A primary reason for an unsuccessful mediation is when an impasse occurs and parties are unwilling to compromise further to reach resolution. Lawyers representing clients in mediation should see it coming and try to avoid it if they really want to settle their case. Avoiding an impasse should not only be the duty of the mediator, but of participating counsel.

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Pinkus: A big decision on software and copyright fair use

Few of us get through a day without relying on software based on the Java or Android platforms, and every day for a decade the companies behind them have been locked in battle. Oracle and Google are litigating whether 11,500 lines of Java source code copied verbatim by Google can be used by it for free under the “fair use” defense to infringement in the Copyright Act.

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Hammerle on … No good movies

Forgive me, but no meaningful reviews with this edition. While a trip to New Orleans for a nephew’s wedding kept me out of the theatres, the truth is that all the films released over the last several weeks are so placid that even a diehard fan like me couldn’t justify buying a ticket.

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