
JLAP: For the love of therapy dogs

Reggie Wayne comes to work at Plews Shadley Racher & Braun nearly every day. While he neither prepares dispositive motions nor closes deals, he provides a great benefit to the firm. Reggie is a certified therapy dog.

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Wise words from counsel: There are no clients in the alley

A respected attorney clearly understood that a walk to the courthouse along a busy city street was a chance to bump into other lawyers, friends, clients and prospective clients. He was not going to miss out on that opportunity by taking a shortcut.

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Law Student Outlook: Sexual misconduct and the evolving workplace

One of the most common responses we have seen from current law students is a zero-tolerance policy for instances of sexual misconduct. As the culture has changed in the last few months nationwide about the topic, it has invaded the law school, so far as being part of a few exam fact patterns.

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Ruesch: Cyberinsurance outlook for 2018: Risks evolve, as does coverage

While businesses and industries across the board continue to address how best to evolve their data security and practices to, at the very least, minimize the risk of a cyberattack, the insurance industry is also evolving and working with these companies to produce and market insurance policies and products to respond to a cyber event.

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Kilies: Discover a way to avoid the document dump

In a case where lots of documents are expected, an online platform can be used to exchange some of them. Given the time and expense associated with the discovery process, we must find creative ways to make the process less burdensome.

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IndyBar: Employment Claim? Take a Second Look at Your Insurance Policies

While the plethora of coverages under insurance that protects businesses can be confusing, you owe it to yourself and your company or public entity to consider all of your insurance when an employment claim arises, including policies not specifically designed for employment claims. Your premiums may have bought you more protection than you realize.

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Indiana Judges Association: Novel concept — Judges are not judgmental

Every trial judge must balance the letter of the law with the conscience of the community. A judge must be able to put any case in a full social and human context before applying the technical rules of the law. To do otherwise is to lose the most important and powerful tool upon which every judge must rely: the ability to feel.

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BGBC: How to avoid, overcome a Daubert challenge

Any seasoned trial attorney who has worked with expert witnesses in litigation will get instant heartburn at learning that opposing counsel has raised a Daubert challenge. But do Daubert challenges always derail expert opinions and testimony, or can attorneys proactively take steps to deal with them?

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Making Rain: Alexa, how do I find more clients?

Recently I received, as a gift, the Amazon Echo Show. I plugged it in, and, voila, Alexa could help me find almost anything. She gets a little confused on some things, but, for the most part, I have found her to be very helpful with basic questions and requests for information. I decided I’d find out what Alexa knows about finding new clients and business development.

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