Dean’s Desk: Community partnerships benefit IU McKinney students
At the IU McKinney School of Law, we make a special effort to support our students by partnering with advocates in the community. Allow me to share a few examples.
At the IU McKinney School of Law, we make a special effort to support our students by partnering with advocates in the community. Allow me to share a few examples.
One of the best (or worst?) features of Microsoft Word is its automatic formatting. Properly understood, Microsoft Word’s automatic behavior controls are incredibly helpful.
Several years ago, China surpassed the United States in the number of trademark registrations issued per year. China has already become a very important stakeholder in the intellectual property area. This article provides a glimpse into how China has tackled the remedies in IP infringement.
Bob Hammerle says “Loving” is an important film that reaches beyond the movie screen.
Darren Miller advises attorneys to first figure out what could be the crux of their new cases in terms of electronic evidence.
Judge Sarah Evans Barker gives advice to new citizens following the recent presidential election, encouraging them to shape the country’s future.
PokemonGo’s footprint is anywhere and everywhere, which opens up a world of both opportunity and liability for business and property owners.
Bob Hammerle says “A Man Called Ove” has many strengths and will bring you to the edge of tears.
For those in legal education, the bar exam has oddly emerged as a key focus.
As of Dec. 1, several amendments take effect in federal civil and appellate practice.
Although the Ouija board might be more fun, you will probably make better business decisions by asking your accounting department to reorganize your expenses and revenue to give you a picture even the Great Ouija couldn’t conjure.
Inherent limitations aside, the question the legal community should be asking is not whether, but rather how, keyword searches should be used in e-discovery.
Most of us probably assume the contents of the file are far more important than what we name it and do not realize that improper file names can make it both harder on us and our computer to find and open the file again in the future.
I have the pleasure today to launch the inaugural offering of a new Indiana Lawyer column entitled, “Eye on the Profession.” The plan is to do my best to share commentary and insight on issues of the day that are or will be impacting our profession.
While the roles of defense trial counsel (particularly “outside” counsel or panel counsel in the law firm setting) and corporate and in-house counsel are often different, we have much in common.
Keffer Barnhart attorneys write that police departments should want to use body cameras, as they can serve as data gathering and quality control tools.
Create one to three Quick Steps that you will commit to using for the next week. Then, practice those quick first steps.
I challenge you to consider — early in your career — how you perceive the practice of law. This process may impact your career decisions and the manner in which you choose or choose not to utilize your legal education.
Bob Hammerle says “Snowden” serves as a reminder to Americans how we have largely lost our privacy.