
Eichholtz: Effects of opioid overdose on third-party custody issues

Opioid and heroin abuse or overdose commonly result in the temporary removal of a child from the custody of her natural parents; prevention of reunification with natural parents; or termination of parental rights. Thus, family law practitioners would be well suited to review the relevant statutes and case law involving custody and third-party custody proceedings, among other things.

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Morris: Indy Legal Aid Society to roast Jim Voyles

I’m taking a break from these two weeks of political conventions and attempting instead to refocus on important local topics. A perfect example is the fun evening coming up to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Indianapolis Legal Aid Society.

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Start Page: Clear your Outlook inbox, clear your mind

Unfortunately, leaving emails unprocessed in your inbox waiting for you drains your energy, causes you to procrastinate, and takes up mental capacity. Thankfully, there’s a better way to deal with email. It’s called getting to “Inbox Zero.”

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