
Lundberg: The importance of preserving the attorney-client privilege

The dispute between former Indiana University Purdue-Fort Wayne Chancellor Michael Wartell and Purdue University has attracted much media attention – some of it wondering why Purdue would fight so hard to protect its claim that a lawyer-investigator’s report was protected by the attorney-client privilege and should not be released.

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Indiana Judges Association: Law, time and judgment are shared responsibilities

When New York City claimed 20-30 inches of snow were coming (and got less than 10), I was reminded of so many lawyers who claim three days for their case (but only use one). All of us on the bench or bar tailor our talents toward forming our best judgments. Such a responsibility necessarily includes the talented due consideration of time.

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Foos: Forget the next big thing; focus on your existing technology

What we often forget is that the focus of legal-based technology is to increase the productivity of attorneys, paralegals and administrative staff. We’re focused on the next big thing when we should be identifying how to customize our existing technology to save time and increase productivity.

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Riggins: The effects of Obama’s immigration executive actions

A debate is being waged regarding the effects of the executive actions. Proponents tout ameliorative socioeconomic effects, while opponents decry a thinly veiled grant of amnesty. In this landscape, it is important to understand the intent and effect of the executive actions.

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Living Fit: Aerobic exercise or resistance exercise?

The hard-core cardio junkies swear by aerobic exercise as the best way to lose weight, get fit and remain lean. Yet, those who are diehard weightlifters or yoga and Pilates fanatics claim that resistance exercise is the only way to lose weight and become strong and lean. What’s the answer?

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Bell: 3 things to know about the ethics of interviewing witnesses

January brings frigid temperatures, snow and icy roads. In other words, it is a perfect time for you to knock on doors and conduct a field investigation. But before you put your coat on and head out to find that needle-in-a-haystack witness who will save your case, remember that there are ethical rules regarding how you deal with witnesses.

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Zoeller: Use depositions over interrogatories in family law matters

We’ve all received the responses to interrogatories so doctored by opposing counsel there is virtually no substance, or so littered with objections and qualifications that the answer is meaningless. So for many years my solution to this problem has been to take depositions. I will outline a few of the reasons more family law practitioners should do the same.

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