Hammerle On: Hammerle pays tribute to colleague’s spirit and humor
In this issue, Robert Hammerle reviews “The Way Way Back” and also remembers C. Joseph Russell, an Indianapolis attorney who died July 17.
In this issue, Robert Hammerle reviews “The Way Way Back” and also remembers C. Joseph Russell, an Indianapolis attorney who died July 17.
I am sitting at my desk, back from vacation, swamped under the combination of the paperwork that accrued while I was gone and what seems like an unusual amount of pre-term work. I am realizing that I am also just four weeks away from teaching a four-credit contracts course for the first time in 10 years and wondering “What was I thinking?” Although some professors can glance at their notes, stroll into class and conduct a brilliant session, I’ve always been the kind that has to review everything, rewrite my notes and build up a certain level of anxiety before teaching, like the actor who falls flat if she doesn’t experience stage fright. In other words, I’ve signed up for what could be a world of pain in the fall semester of 2013.
Michael Kohlhaas points out notable changes to the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines, including to school breaks.
Of course, we all know that a sedentary lifestyle leads to heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, muscle stiffness, poor balance, depression, anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure, lung disease, weight gain, lethargy, and back, neck and hip pain. But we are largely (pun intended) unaware that exercise alone will not eliminate the health risks associated with too much sitting.
Today’s article will look at lightening the travel load by using an iPad to remotely access your computers back at home and the office. This is accomplished with the mobile device versions of GoToMyPC.
In family disputes, we’re often faced with a dilemma in which the supporting spouse’s income suddenly and/or dramatically decreases without valid support or explanation. In the valuation industry, this disorder is commonly known as “R.A.I.D.S.” or Recently Acquired Income Deficiency Syndrome.
On “The Heat,” Bob Hammerle says isn’t vulgarity a priceless work of art if done with energy and style?
Bob Hammerle recommends you see “The East” to find out how domestic terrorists can be the good guys.
We give Don Hall’s Old Gas House 3 gavels!
The Southern District of Indiana has been experimenting this year with a pilot program for certain employment cases. The only eligible cases are individual Title VII, ADA and ADEA actions.
In the last term, the United States Supreme Court, in Missouri v. Frye, 132 S. Ct. 1399 (2012), took a small step toward inviting trial courts into plea negotiations.
Hammerle’s take on “Frances Ha”: This is a movie that every woman should see who remembers the thrill and torment of being 27.
You don’t need to be a technology expert to understand disaster planning. In fact, it may be an advantage not to be.
Lucas offers a few suggestions to a list created about what reporters want – and don't want – when interviewing attorneys.
The summer vacation season is upon us, so today’s article will review a camera that you may find both useful and fun for your summer adventures. This camera is also useful for video documentation functions at work. It provides a superior video to the typical cell phone.
Bob Hammerle says that “Start Trek Into Darkness” captures all the goofy charm that made the TV series so lovable.
Loyalty and independence of judgment are essential to the effective representation of a client. A conflict of interest may make it impossible to exercise these essentials, or it may create an appearance that is injurious to the health of the lawyer-client relationship.
Kevin Tyra takes a look at how how perception and psychology shape interactions in general, and interactions among adverse lawyers in particular.
In this on-demand era of instant gratification, we expect that information should always be at our fingertips. Our time is precious and we all want others to respect that fact; in return doesn’t that mean we should all be respectful of the time that others give to us?
In my last column, I confessed I was addicted to interruptions: email, voice mail, texts, phone calls, Twitter feeds, etc. Studies have shown multitasking lowers IQ.