
Opinions July 23, 2010

Indiana Court of Appeals
K. Murphy v. State of Indiana

Criminal. Reverses and remands trial court’s decision denying Murphy educational credit time. Murphy contended the
trial court is the proper authority to determine whether to grant educational credit time for receiving his general educational
development diploma prior to sentencing. The Court of Appeals agreed.

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Opinions July 22, 2010

Indiana Court of Appeals
A. Donald v. State of Indiana

Criminal. Reverses and remands trial court’s denial of Donald’s request for a competency evaluation prior to
his probation revocation hearing. Donald contended he was entitled to a competency evaluation pursuant to Indiana statute
and the Due Process Clause of the United States Constitution. The Court of Appeals disagreed with Donald’s statutory
argument, but agreed the Due Process Clause may warrant a competency evaluation prior to a probation revocation hearing.

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Opinions July 21, 2010

Indiana Court of Appeals
of A.M.; M.M. v. M.M. & A.C.

Adoption. Reverses denial of grandfather M.M.’s uncontested petition to adopt his biological granddaughter A.M. Based
upon the reasoning in K.S.P., the idea that the best interests of the child is the primary concern in an adoption
proceeding, the purposes of the adoption statutes as stated by the legislature, and the trial court’s initial determination
that adoption was in the best interests of A.M., preventing the adoption in this specific case on the basis of Ind. Code Section
31-19-15-1 and Ind. Code Section 31-19-15-2 would cause an absurd result not intended by the legislature. Remands for further
proceedings. Judge Najam dissents.

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Opinions July 20, 2010

7th Circuit Court of Appeals
Chaney v. Plainfield Healthcare Center

U.S. District Court, Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division. Judge Sarah Evans Barker.
Civil. Reverses the District Court’s order of summary judgment in favor of Plainfield Healthcare Center. Finds that
Plainfield’s racial preference policy for patients violates Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. That policy, along
with other incidents that occurred before Plainfield fired Chaney, contributed to a hostile work environment, and should be
considered in determining whether Chaney was fired because of her race.

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Opinions July 19, 2010

Indiana Court of Appeals
Florian and Jeffrey Florian, as limited guardian of Isaac, an adult. v. GATX Rail Corporation

Civil plenary. Affirms summary judgment in favor of GATX Rail Corp. in Issac Florian’s negligence claim after he drove
into a GATX tank car that didn’t have retro-reflective sheeting. GATX was in compliance with either retro-reflective
implementation schedule even though the train car in question didn’t have sheeting yet. Florian’s common-law negligence
claim is preempted by federal regulations set forth in 49.C.F.R. part 224.

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Opinions July 14, 2010

Indiana Court of Appeals
Eastern Alliance Insurance Group, Chubb Insurance Group, and Total Interior Systems America, LLC v. Elizabeth Howell

Civil. Reverses penalties assessed against Eastern Alliance by the Full Worker’s Compensation Board due to a lack of diligence. The board’s factual findings demonstrate that Eastern Alliance reasonably investigated the claim and communicated with the parties, and afterwards it reasonably determined that it was not liable for the claim. Vacates penalties assessed against the company and remands that the board determine and enter an order regarding whether Chubb Insurance should be held responsible for the entirety of the penalty and attorneys’ fees awarded for its lack of diligence.

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Opinions July 13, 2010

Indiana Court of Appeals
Akens v. State of Indiana

Criminal. Affirms sentence imposed following guilty plea to child molesting. The trial court’s statement that Akens
could appeal his sentence wasn’t made until after the court had accepted the plea agreement and entered Akens’
sentence. The agreement included his express waiver of his right to appeal his sentence.

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Opinions July 9, 2010

7th Circuit Court of Appeals
L. Byers Jr. v. James Basinger, Superintendent of the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility

U.S. District Court, Northern District of Indiana, South Bend Division. Judge Allen Sharp
Civil. Affirms District Court's denial of Byers' habeas petition. After a jury found Byers guilty of murder, attempted
murder and robbery, the Indiana Supreme Court affirmed on direct appeal. The Indiana Court of Appeals denied his petition
for post-conviction relief, and the Indiana Supreme Court denied transfer. The District Court later denied Byers’ habeas
petition, in which Byers argued that his trial counsel performed deficiently. The 7th Circuit granted Byers a certificate
of appealability on the question whether he had been denied effective assistance of counsel. The 7th Circuit affirmed the
district court’s denial because, even if Byers successfully exhausted his claim, it lacks merit.

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Opinions July 8, 2010

Indiana Court of Appeals

Lewis v. State of Indiana

Criminal. Reverses conviction of Class A misdemeanor domestic battery. Lewis received ineffective assistance of trial counsel
because counsel failed to timely file a written request for a jury trial. Remands for a new trial.

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Opinions July 7, 2010

Indiana Court of Appeals

In the Matter of: A.C. v. State of Indiana

Juvenile. Reverses adjudication for committing what would be Class A misdemeanor resisting law enforcement if committed by
an adult. A.C.’s simple failure to stand, without more, amounts to passive inaction and seems analogous to the failure
to present one’s arms for handcuffing, which the Indiana Supreme Court has said does not constitute forcible resistance.

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Opinions July 6, 2010

Indiana Court of Appeals
Bush v. State of Indiana

Criminal. After considering state’s claims of waiver as presented in its petition for rehearing, reaffirms original
opinion reversing Bush’s conviction of carrying a handgun without a license. Court of Appeals originally reversed conviction
after it held a canine sniff and resulting warrantless search of Bush’s automobile violated the Fourth Amendment because
the state did not meet its burden of showing the traffic stop was not unreasonably prolonged or there was independent reasonable
suspicion to justify the canine sniff.

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Opinions July 1, 2010

Indiana Court of Appeals
Alves v. Old National Bank f/k/a St. Joseph Capital Bank
Civil. Affirms denial of Alves’ Ind. Trial Rule 60(B) motion. Because he filed his motion more than one year after
the trial court granted summary judgment for Old National Bank and his earlier appeal of that judgment doesn’t toll
the 1-year limit applicable to motions brought pursuant to subsections (1)-(4), his motion is untimely. In addition, the evidence
on appeal doesn’t show the bank owed a duty to Alves or that the bank breached a duty by conspiring with his former
business partner to remove him from their company.

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Opinions June 30, 2010

Indiana Supreme Court
League of Women Voters, et al. v. Todd Rokita

Civil. Affirms trial court dismissal of challenge to state’s voter identification law. The case presents only facial
constitutional challenges. It is within the power of the legislature to require voters to present photo ID at the polls. Justice
Boehm dissents.

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Opinions June 29, 2010

Indiana Supreme Court
Peoples v. State of Indiana

Criminal. Affirms finding Peoples is a habitual offender. People’s instant dealing offense is to be counted in calculating
the total number of unrelated felony convictions an individual has for drug dealing. While a single felony drug conviction
is not enough to qualify a person for habitual offender status, a second such conviction is, be it a prior conviction or the
instant offense.

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Opinions June 28, 2010

Indiana Supreme Court
Patrick Wilson and Billy Don Wilson v. Gene Isaacs, Sheriff of Cass County, and Brad Craven

Civil. Reverses grant of summary judgment as to the plaintiffs’ liability claims against the sheriff for the conduct
of Deputy Brad Craven. Affirms summary judgment for claims against Craven personally. Holds that a law enforcement officer's
use of force in excess of the reasonable force authorized by statute is not shielded from liability under the "enforcement
of a law" immunity provided in Indiana Code § 34-13-3-3(8) and that genuine issues of fact exist, precluding summary
judgment. Chief Justice Shepard dissents without opinion.

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