Justices to hear arguments in murder, jurisdiction cases
The Indiana Supreme Court is set to hear argument in several cases this week, including a man’s post-conviction appeal of his three separate sentences for murder in Floyd County.
The Indiana Supreme Court is set to hear argument in several cases this week, including a man’s post-conviction appeal of his three separate sentences for murder in Floyd County.
The Indiana Court of Appeals will hear arguments this week in a murder case and on two post-conviction petitions.
An Indiana case that could decide whether the Eighth Amendment protection against excessive fines applies to the states will be heard at the United States Supreme Court on Wednesday.
The Indiana Supreme Court heard argument Tuesday contending the appointment of a deceased man’s father as the special administrator of his wrongful-death estate should not have been reconsidered, despite counter-arguments that he was not the best fit for the appointment.
The Indiana Court of Appeals will hear traveling arguments in two cases this week, starting Tuesday in Bartholomew County with a case involving a drug-dealing conviction.
The Supreme Court seemed skeptical of arguments by companies seeking to overturn a decades-old ban on uranium mining in Virginia. The commonwealth has had a ban on uranium mining since the 1980s.
The Indiana Supreme Court heard oral argument Thursday morning on a utility rate increase case, hearing a northern Indiana utility industrial group’s appeal over whether a reversal of the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission’s application of its own settlement orders conflicted with a prior settlement.
The Indiana Supreme Court granted one transfer request and denied 18 others last week, agreeing to hear argument as to whether content found on the phone of a man convicted of sexual misconduct with a minor is considered obscene under an Indiana statute.
The Indiana Supreme Court heard oral argument Thursday morning on a product liability case, hearing a national motor company’s appeal in a matter involving a worker’s death that includes defective design claims.
Contrary readings of Article 8, Section 2 of the Indiana Constitution and its implication on Indiana’s civil forfeiture statute were at issue Thursday when the Indiana Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case brought by the Virginia-based Institute for Justice.
Justices to hear oral argument on civil forfeiture case, two othersThe Indiana Supreme Court will hear oral argument in three cases on Thursday, including a case dealing with the distribution of civil forfeiture proceeds.
The Indiana Supreme Court heard oral argument Monday morning on a speeding-turned-OWI case following its grant of transfer to the state’s appeal, including concerns regarding reasonable suspicion.
The Indiana Supreme Court will travel north to Madison County later this month to hear an oral argument regarding how and when law enforcement may obtain historical cell phone location information in criminal investigations.
The Indiana Court of Appeals will travel south next week to hear oral arguments in two cases involving convictions following the seizure of drugs and guns.
The latest installment in a years-long legal saga between the state and IBM, Inc. came before the Indiana Court of Appeals on Tuesday, when the parties argued over the awards of damages and what, if any, significant changes were made to the state’s welfare system after Indiana terminated its contract with IBM and developed its own claims-processing system.
While walking her dogs through Versailles State Park one unseasonably warm afternoon in December 2011, Melodie Liddle heard her 9-year-old beagle, Copper, yelping after becoming caught in a hidden raccoon trap. The Court of Appeals is weighing the state’s liability in the case and whether Liddle’s complaint is time-barred.
The Indiana Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Thursday in an injury-related product liability case involving a handheld power tool and in a case weighing whether a juvenile may be adjudicated delinquent for carrying a handgun without a license.
The Indiana Supreme Court will hear argument this week over whether a Henry County redevelopment company can keep land it purchased at a tax sale, despite the county auditor’s claim that a mistaken transfer of the properties invalidated the tax sale.
The Indiana Supreme Court must decide if a Blackford County man’s child molestation convictions will stand despite an unconstitutional search of his home that led to his confession. The question will force the court to grapple with the relationship between two doctrines: attenuation and fruit of the poisonous tree.
The Indiana Supreme Court on Thursday heard oral arguments in a case to determine whether state or federal law controls how long trains may block road crossings. Norfolk Southern Railway challenged the state’s blocked crossing statute after receiving 23 citations for blocking a crossing for more than 10 minutes.