
COA considers whether ban on sex offenders attending church violates RFRA

Three Boone County men convicted of serious sex offenses are looking to the Indiana Court of Appeals to determine if they can return to their churches as the court considers whether a ruling that the men cannot attend church when children’s programming is in session violates their rights under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

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Justices hear arguments in case seeking bond proceeds

The justices of the Indiana Supreme Court held arguments Thursday in a case where the question is whether a man who was awarded a judgment from a defendant in a civil case will be able to collect the bond proceeds from the defendant’s unrelated criminal case.

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Arguments Thursday in drug case near park with no equipment

The Indiana Supreme Court will hear arguments next week on whether children were reasonably expected to be playing at a park with no playground equipment or trees, the central question that must be answered to determine if a man should be convicted of cooking meth within 500 feet of the park.

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Justices question teen’s LWOP sentence at oral arguments

In Indiana, only five juveniles have been sentenced to life without parole. Now, the fate of the fifth juvenile rests with the justices of the Indiana Supreme Court, who must decide whether the teen’s act of shooting and killing another 17-year-old rises to a level of offense that warrants spending the rest of his life behind bars.

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