Appeals court sets arguments in Camm case
The Indiana Court of Appeals has schedule oral arguments in the case of the former Indiana State Police trooper accused of killing his wife and children in 2000.
The Indiana Court of Appeals has schedule oral arguments in the case of the former Indiana State Police trooper accused of killing his wife and children in 2000.
The Indiana Court of Appeals heard arguments July 13 in the post-conviction relief case of a woman convicted of intentionally setting a fire that killed her young son, leading to what she says was a wrongful conviction and imprisonment 15 years ago.
The case of a woman who contends she was wrongfully convicted of arson and murder because of faulty science will be heard by the Indiana Court of Appeals July 13.
The Indiana Court of Appeals will hear arguments in Cynthia Welch v. Shawn Young, et al., at 2:30 p.m. June 23 at Indiana State University’s Tirey Hall, Tilson Auditorium. Judges John G. Baker, Edward W. Najam, Jr., and Melissa S. May will hear the case before a group of teenagers participating in Hoosier Girls State.
The Indiana Supreme Court will hear arguments Tuesday in two child molesting cases and one personal injury case.
A panel of Indiana Court of Appeals judges will hear arguments in a contempt of court case Wednesday in northeast Indiana.
The Court of Appeals of Indiana will visit two Ivy Tech campuses Thursday to hear arguments in an insurance case and battery case.
On Tuesday, two panels of Indiana Court of Appeals judges will travel north to hear arguments.
The Indiana Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments Thursday at Indiana University – South Bend.
The Indiana Court of Appeals travels to Valparaiso University Monday to hear oral arguments in a criminal case.
The Indiana Court of Appeals will visit Pike High School in Indianapolis this week to hear arguments in a case in which a man appeals his drug dealing conviction.
The Indiana Supreme Court heard oral arguments today involving the subpoena of records from a domestic violence agency by a defendant who had been charged with two counts of Class A felony child molesting.
For appellate attorneys Paul Jefferson and Mark Crandley at Barnes & Thornburg, this double-argument day Jan. 20 was a new experience that many say isn’t very common in the legal community.
The Indiana Supreme Court heard three arguments this morning, including one case that it had granted emergency transfer to regarding whether the state should be constitutionally allowed to restrict robo-calls to residents.
Indiana Federal Community Defender Bill Marsh made his debut appearance before the nation’s highest court on Jan. 12, arguing an Indiana case that questions whether vehicular flight from police is considered “violent” and warrants a higher sentence under the Armed Career Criminal Act.
In a case that involves whether Medicaid applicants who were rejected can include information that was not in their initial applications when they appeal, the Indiana Supreme Court has set oral arguments for March 3 at 9 a.m.
Domestic violence victims’ advocates and criminal law attorneys are waiting on the Indiana Supreme Court’s decision in a case involving a criminal defendant’s subpoena for records from a victim’s advocacy organization.
The Indiana Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments in a trespass and resisting law enforcement case at an Indianapolis high school Nov. 16.
As part of its “Appeals on Wheels” initiative, the Indiana Court of Appeals will hit the road this week to hear arguments.
Indiana University Maurer School of Law – Bloomington recently hosted two appellate hearings at the law school’s moot court room.