High court to hear arguments on CHINS case
The Indiana Supreme Court will hear arguments Thursday in a Marion County case dealing with whether a child can be determined in need of services with respect to one parent but not the other.
The Indiana Supreme Court will hear arguments Thursday in a Marion County case dealing with whether a child can be determined in need of services with respect to one parent but not the other.
The Indiana Court of Appeals will visit West Lafayette Tuesday to hear arguments in a case involving a warrantless search of a vehicle.
Indiana's Court of Appeals will hear arguments at an Indianapolis high school Friday in a case determining whether a juvenile committed auto theft, a Class D felony if committed by an adult.
Walter Whatley isn't disputing the fact that he was in possession of cocaine and that he should be held accountable for that.Instead, the Indianapolis defendant argues that he shouldn't have been convicted of Class A felony cocaine possession, which is what he was charged with given that he had the cocaine within 1,000 feet of a "youth program center" or a church near his home, where police arrested him after finding more than three grams of the illegal substance on him.
A panel of Indiana Court of Appeals judges will hear arguments Tuesday in Evansville in an insurance coverage case while another panel in Indianapolis will hear arguments in a case involving the division of attorney fees.
The Indiana Court of Appeals travels to Terre Haute Thursday to hear arguments in a cocaine conviction case.
The Indiana Supreme Court will hear arguments in three cases tomorrow, including two cases involving insurance coverage disputes. At 9 a.m., the high court will hear arguments in Tri-Etch, Inc. v. Cincinnati Ins. Co., No. 49A02-0709-CV-827. At issue in this case were two orders from the trial court. One order granted partial summary judgment in […]
Anyone wanting to watch or listen to appellate arguments in federal or state court will have a chance Friday.
Five Ukrainian judges have been in central Indiana this week examining the U.S. judicial system.
The Indiana Court of Appeals will hear arguments in an Elkhart County child molesting case in Bloomington Sept. 29.
The Indiana Supreme Court will hear arguments Thursday in two cases involving the dispersion of a percentage of riverboat casino revenues in East Chicago.
The Indiana Court of Appeals travels to Greencastle Oct. 14 to hear arguments in a case involving Indiana's "In God We Trust" license plates.
A 7th Circuit Court of Appeals panel converged on the Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis campus Tuesday to hear three appellate arguments in its’ first visit in more than a decade.
The Indiana Supreme Court will hear two arguments Thursday, including a death penalty appeal by a man whose appeal has already once been denied by the justices.
The Indiana Supreme Court will hear arguments Thursday in two cases, including one regarding the state's school funding system.
The Indiana Supreme Court heard arguments today in a case that asks whether the defendant had the right to confront the lab technician who performed the DNA testing relevant to the case.
The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals travels Tuesday to hear arguments at Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis.
The Indiana Supreme Court will be in Bloomington Thursday to hear arguments in a case involving a dispute between a landlord and his former tenants.
The Indiana Court of Appeals will hear arguments in the Lake County early-voter registration appeal at 1:30 p.m. EDT Oct. 30 in the Indiana Supreme Court Courtroom, Statehouse Room 317, Indianapolis.
The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments Friday morning in a case in which the state’s Commission on Judicial Qualifications and Disciplinary Commission want the court to reverse the District Court’s ruling that granted a permanent injunction against provisions in Indiana’s Code of Judicial Conduct.