
The prosecution rests: Curry steps down

With a voice that sometimes came close to breaking, Terry Curry announced he was resigning as Marion County Prosecutor on Sept. 23, saying his health and desire to spend more time with his family forced him to make the difficult decision to leave the job he loves.

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Manpower, technology changes impact low wiretap use

According to data released by the United States Courts, wiretapping in federal and state courts was down by a combined 23 percent in 2018 compared to 2017. Likewise in Indiana, federal and state courts authorized 75 wiretaps in 2017, but only 46 in 2018, according to the data. Experts say staffing and law enforcement resources, as well as the cyclical ebb and flow of complex surveillance work account for the decline.

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Drug dealer’s appeal fails to show prosecutorial misconduct

A prosecutor’s suggestion to jurors during closing arguments that the volume of fentanyl in a habitual drug dealer’s possession had the potential to kill thousands of people did not constitute fundamental error. The Indiana Court of Appeals on Friday rejected that and other arguments of a man convicted and sentenced to 40 years in prison.

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COA: Court disregarded procedures in PCR case

The Indiana Court of Appeals has reversed a man’s denied petition for relief from what he alleged as conspiracy to wrongfully convict and confine him, among other things, after finding a post-conviction court erred in the procedure it used to dispose of his petition.

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