
Brizzi regrets perception damage

If he had it to do over again, Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi said he wouldn't get involved in a real estate deal with a local criminal defense attorney.

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Prosecutor files answer to disciplinary charges

Delaware County Prosecutor Mark McKinney has responded to the disciplinary charges he faces in connection to his role as a
private attorney on civil forfeiture matters related to the criminal defendants he handled as a deputy prosecutor and prosecutor
on behalf of the state, saying his representation of the state wasn’t limited by his financial interest in forfeiture actions.

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Prosecutor spokesman resigns

An attorney and Marion County Prosecutor Office's public information officer has resigned from his position following his arrest for drunk driving. A special prosecutor has been appointed to handle the case.

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Boy can’t sue for lack of probable cause

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals declined to decide whether Indiana provides a plaintiff an adequate post-deprivation remedy despite the state's recognition of an affirmative immunity defense for government workers acting in the scope of their employment.

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Prosecutor denies misconduct accusations

Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi denies that he violated any professional conduct rules in his handling of two high-profile murder cases, specifically in his written or spoken statements made when describing the crimes to the public.

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Deputy prosecutor fired after arrest

A deputy Madison County Prosecutor has been fired following her arrest for allegedly driving drunk. Deputy Prosecutor Janine L. Sutton was arrested for operating while intoxicated, a Class A misdemeanor.

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Shutdown wouldn’t cripple legal system

As the clock ticked closer to a partial shutdown of state government, the Hoosier legal community received word this afternoon from the Indiana Supreme Court that trial courts should conduct business as usual and that the state's legal system would continue as much as possible if lawmakers fail to pass a budget by deadline.

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Former public defender sentenced

A former Marion County public defender arrested during an undercover child sex sting was sentenced Wednesday for child solicitation, a Class C felony.

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Fingerprint info now needed in appearance form

The state's Supreme Court has amended Indiana Criminal Rule 2.1 to require the prosecuting attorney to include fingerprint information when filing an appearance form in a criminal proceeding. The amendment takes effect Jan. 1, 2010.

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Theft case requires special prosecutor

The Indiana Court of Appeals reversed the denial of a man's request for the reappointment of a special prosecutor because the original basis for appointing the special prosecutor still existed even after one charge was dropped.

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Prosecutor faces misconduct charges

The Indiana Supreme Court's Disciplinary Commission has filed a complaint against Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi alleging he played to the media and violated professional conduct rules when commenting about two murder cases.

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Hearing officer appointed in prosecutor case

A hearing officer has been appointed in Delaware County Prosecutor Mark R. McKinney's discipline case. The Indiana Supreme Court made the appointment of Boone Circuit Judge Steve David in a Dec. 7 order.

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Deputy prosecutor fired

A Marion County deputy prosecutor has been fired for withholding information regarding facts in a case involving her mother, who was arrested for insurance fraud.

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