Virtual growth: Video meetings becoming a mainstay for family law consultations
For some family law attorneys, the ability to hold remote visual consultations on Zoom is a better way for them to meet with and serve their clients.
For some family law attorneys, the ability to hold remote visual consultations on Zoom is a better way for them to meet with and serve their clients.
It announced that Marion County courts would be closed for three weeks because of the growing Covid-19 pandemic. I gathered my staff, and we reviewed the court calendar for the next three weeks. I picked out two or three cases that could not be delayed, and we planned how to do those hearings. I had never heard of Zoom.
For thousands of Hoosiers undergoing civil proceedings during the COVID-19 pandemic, remote hearings or “Zoom court” allowed them to attend safely and conveniently.
The issue of remote work remains an issue, but after more than a year of remote work, some answers have materialized, and now a number of other concerns have surfaced about the future of our profession.
The year 2023 marks the 36th time the National Center for State Courts has published its annual “Trends in State Courts” report.
A state employee working for one of Indiana’s executive branch agencies misreported 250 hours of work time, costing the agency more than $7,000 in overpaid wages, according to a report from the Office of the Inspector General published Friday .
Employees whose requests for work-from-home accommodations were previously denied as unreasonable pushed back after the pandemic, citing the ability to perform job functions at home as well as — or in some cases better than — in the office.
Let’s talk about virtual mediation, but first, let me give you a little backstory.
The pandemic has shown us that remote work is not only possible, but sometimes even preferred. However, despite the appeal, there is still something different about gathering face-to-face.